Chapter 4: Catching Up

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Chase and Tristan are finally reunited after what seems to be an eternity. Tristan spent his entire police career looking for his son. And Chase spent nearly 2 months looking for his father. Tristan is still unable to grasp the fact Chase is almost as big as him.

Tristan: (tearfully) When you were gone, I could hold up in my arms. (Sniffles)

Chase: (voice wavering) I thought I was the last of my breed. (Sniffles) The last German Shepherd.

Tristan: (puts his park around his son) You are not. I'm here.

Skye: (to everyone else) I guess police work is in Chase's genes.

Marshall: Yep. Runs in the family.

Later, Tristan is hanging out with the Chase being told of their daring rescues, nearly-impossible missions, and death-defying moments. They just got done with their adventure with time travel

Tristan: So wait a second. You met your future kids?! Is it just me or is my son cooler and cooler by the minute?

Chase: (chuckles) Well it wasn't just me that saved that fragile future or prevented a Multiversal Massacre. I had some help. (Looks at his friends having fun on the other side of the room)

Tristan: So. You got a girlfriend?

Chase: Oh yeah. I do. See that Cockapoo over there chatting with the Husky?

Tristan: Yeah.

Chase: That's Skye. My (sighs dreamily) . . . my girlfriend.

Tristan: Whoa. My long-lost boy is growing so fast.

Chase: Okay, since I feel like I said a handful of my life, how about you? What's everyone else like?

Tristan: Well . . . your mother prays that I find you. (Whispers) She misses you the most. (Regular voice) Dolly is struggling with the aftermath of her break up with her boyfriend, but she's okay and she has (chuckles) a ton of charisma. Fluffy is the nicest as they come. And Patchy wants to be like me when he gets older so he can help me find you.

Chase: Well, it's never to early to start.

Tristan: That's what I said when we named your siblings.

Chase: But how come I haven't been named yet?

Tristan: It was midnight and we fell asleep before we could figure out a name. It was hard for us because are a spitting image of me when I was younger.

Chase: Really?

Tristan: Yeah. It was hard because we can't just do Junior, or James, or Daniel.

Chase: I was going to be called "Daniel?"

Tristan: (police radio makes a noise on his vest) Hang on, Chase. I gotta answer this.

Tristan holds the button on his radio and asked who it was. It was Sergeant Daniel Harris of the Adventure County Police.

Tristan: Talk to me, Harris.

Sgt. Harris: (over radio) Captain. We're coming up empty on a lead for this Vincent Slate person and his accomplices. We need you to come back.

Tristan: I'll be there. (looks at Chase and turns his head back, smiling) Harris, do me a favor. Call my wife. And tell her I have a surprise for her and the kids.

Sgt. Harris: (over radio) Will do, sir.

Tristan hangs up and walks to Chase.

Tristan: Hey, buddy. Wanna come with me?

Chase: (excited) REALLY!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! (Wags his tail)

Tristan: (chuckles) Yep. The police are struggling to find a lead on a criminal. And I need all the help I can get. And also, you're gonna see our family.

Chase: Woo-hoo! I can't wait to tell them about my frie- -(quietly) my friends.

At that moment, Chase had to decide on what to tell his friends. He finally has this chance to reunite with his long-lost family. And he's going to catch a bad guy, but what about his friends? The PAW Patrol has always had his back even when things look too tough even for him. He then looks at his friends from a distance, trying to think of a subtle way to say the words he means to say.

This is nice. We had a heartfelt moment between a reunited father and son. But this development is making Chase having to choose between going to see his family for the first time in his life, or ask if his friends could come along. Will Chase make his decision? Or will this turn out to be a pointless short story! Let's find out in the next chapter of PAW Patrol: Family Found. Peace out ya'll!

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