Chapter 1: The Pre-Beginning

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Years ago, before a great pup named Chase is even born, a German Shepherd couple walk through the streets of Adventure City. The male was Tristan. And the female was Samantha, but everyone calls her Sammy. Tristan was a strong and tall German Shepherd with hazel eyes who is wearing a black ascot around his neck. Sammy got that for him for their wedding anniversary. Sammy has brown eyes, wore a necklace Tristan got for her for their anniversary. She was a kind, loving and caring soul. Anyway, they were walking through the streets when Sammy started getting a pain in her stomach.

Sammy: Ugh! (Winces) Honey?

Tristan: Yes, Sammy?

Sammy: I (grimaces and grunts) have a strange feeling in my stomach.

Tristan: And yet YOU keep telling ME not to eat the grass.

Sammy: It's not that. (Tristan is confused) I, ugh, feel like we need to see the doctor.

Tristan: I'm calling an ambulance right away!

And so later, the doctor at the hospital did a diagnostic on Sammy. She was actually okay. But once he got something on the x-ray, it was quite a surprise.

Doctor: Tristan. Sammy is not sick.

Sammy: I'm not? I feel like someone's having a WWE match in my chest.

Tristan: What is wrong with her, doc?

Doctor: Nothing wrong. It's just that . . . well, I'll put it to you in another way; there's gonna be more of you running around.

Tristan and Sammy's eyes widen and realize what the doctor said. Sammy is about to have puppies!

Doctor: And according to the x-ray, I'm counting 4.

Tristan: Fo- - Fo- - Fo- - FOUR?! (faints)

Months later, the time has come. The couple are with their owners in their house. Tristan has never left Sammy's side since they got the news. And now they are a mother and father of four adorable puppies. They didn't open their eyes yet. Tristan and Sammy looked at their offspring with love in their smiles. All the young ones are huddled up and sleeping by their mother. 

Sammy: You think we should name them?

Tristan: (grinning) Never too early to start.

They look at the girl puppy. She has a black spot on her legs, chest and paws. Then the boys. One had a fluffier tail and chest fur. And another had a singular black spot on his right eye but they know it's not an injured eye. He has a more black and brown blend of fur where the brown would be. 

Sammy: (looks at the girl) Dolly.

Tristan: (looks at the two boys) Fluffy and Patchy.

Then they start to notice a smaller pup with no black, but looks like his father.

Sammy: So far we have named our kids with what fur they have. I think this one we should name differently.

Tristan: (yawns) I agree. But it's like midnight. We need sleep.

Sammy nods and they bid each other goodnight. A week has passed and their pups only opened their eyelids half a centimeter once or twice. But then, later one night, two strangers broke into the house. They were pupnappers! They didn't see Dolly, Fluffy or Patchy. But they DID see the small one! One of them walked closer and snatched him! Tristan opened his eyes. He goes into a defensive stance and starts barking at the trespassers, waking Sammy up, who backs up with their three pups.

Tristan: Give us back our son, or I promise you your end will be quick! (Continues viciously barking)

Then the owners woke up. One of the trespassers was about to throw the vase behind him at Tristan, but Sammy left the dog bed and leaped at the vase-wielding stranger. The other trespasser, who had the pup in possession, pinned down Tristan. The owners were on their way, The stranger Sammy was dealing with grabbed the vase again and whacked Sammy's head, leaving her to fall. Tristan looked where Sammy was and saw in horror.

Tristan: SAMMY!!!!!!

Then the trespasser knocked Tristan out cold. The strangers leave with the pup in their possession. The owners have come and saw the crime scene. Thank God both of them was alive, but only one pup was missing. Later in the day, Tristan and Sammy looked at the remaining of their pups in depression. And on that day, Tristan has made a vow.

Tristan: Sammy. I promise you. I will not rest until I find our son. I will go to the police, get recruited and will one day come home with our son.

Sammy: (leans on Tristan and sobs a bit) I pray you will. (Sniffles) He doesn't even know what we look like.

Meanwhile, on that fateful day, the pup has opened his eyes and the strangers that took him were on the phone, discussing their capture. It turns out they got a job for something much bigger than a puny German Shepherd pup. They then took the pup with them and drove in a red truck they just took and hot-wired. Then the strangers go to a sidewalk and one of them puts Chase on the sidewalk. The door closes and they drive away. The pup looks up, frightened by the big towers and buildings. He starts running through crowds in fear, trying to find his way around. Then on a crosswalk, a truck was about to hit him! He shut his eyes. But it stopped. He opened his eyes and saw a boy with a unique haircut putting his hand out, looking like he stopped the truck. His name is Ryder and he looked at the pup with a smile. They both looked at each other in the eyes. The pup realizes this boy won't hurt him. And from that day forth, the two just started a journey of friendship that will last for eternity,

I know the part where the strangers come in and take the pup is sad. But here's the crazy and happy part: the pup that got taken by the strangers, left on the sidewalk, and saved by a boy from a truck is the one German Shepherd we know and love: Chase! Peace out, ya'll!

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