Chapter 10: An Unexpected Turn

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The police car was right behind the van. It becomes one heck of a high speed chase on the highway. Rico looks in the rear view mirror,

Rico Swift: Boss, we got a problem. It's a cop. He's on our tail.

Lena Vortex: How is a cop onto us?

Vincent Slate: They haven't given up yet, have they?

Rico and Lena: No.

Vincent Slate: And who's driving that car?

Rico Swift: (looks back) Looks like a German Shepherd with a black ascot.

Lena Vortex: Great! It's that police captain that's been chasing us since we took his kid! And also left him on the street. What do we do, boss?

Vincent Slate: (grins) This.

Then Vincent turns the car around and puts it in reverse. Chase and Tristan look at each other with confusion. Then two hatches open on the sides of the van. They reveal cannons aiming at our heroes. They looked familiar. Almost too familiar to Chase. He could only guess Slate's boss had given them to him.


Then the cannons start firing dodgeballs.

Marshall: Dodgeball cannons?! What kind of world are we living in?!

The dodgeballs hit the windshield and Tristan does his best to dodge. But just imagine trying to drive a car such as his (the picture for it is in chapter 3) trying to dodge a barrage of dodgeballs on a highway. It was a bumpy ride. Dolly held onto a seat to make sure she doesn't go flying. But Fluffy and Patchy clutch onto each other Shaggy and Scooby style with a side of screaming. Then one dodgeball hit the windshield and that made Tristan lose his concentration and the car started spinning. 

Fluffy: Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts because WE'RE ABOUT TO DIE!!!!!!

Marshall dropped a meteor badge Ryder gave him in case of emergencies. Well this is a Level 9 emergency! Then he picked it up as the spinning car continues to make the ride bumpy because it is barraged by balls from the bad guys. (Wow. I felt like Cap'n Turbot there)

Marshall: Chase! (Shows him meteor badge)

Dolly: What in the blue heck is that?

Chase: It's a meteor badge. (Grabs it) It gives me my powers. (He puts it on and his paws glow blue)

Tristan looks behind him and is shocked to see that Chase's paws are glowing blue. Chase's siblings are in awe with eyes wide open in amazement. Then Chase goes out an open window and stops the car from spinning. Patchy is still dazed and faints onto the floor of the car. Then Chase looks behind him to see the van is ahead. He growls and then speeds off to chase it. Dolly saw Chase go off using his super speed.

Dolly: That. Was. Epic.

Fluffy: (dizzily) The ride . . . or Chase? (Moans then joins Patchy in fainting) 

Meanwhile, Chase has caught up with the van and starts bumping into it. Ryder, awake, is wondering about that bump.

Ryder: Did you feel something?

Rubble: Other than the rope around my legs, no. Not really.

Rocky: No. Ryder's right. I felt a bump on the left side.

Then they hear their captors noticing Chase.

Lena Vortex: Is that . . . pup . . . going faster than this van?

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