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Name: Bang ChanChatname: gn_ab

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Name: Bang Chan
Chatname: gn_ab.nahc
Age: 25

— A literal dad material
— Insomnia deluxe
— Never really gets what's going on
— "Grandfather" & "Old man"
— Music producer in disguise
— Aussie
— Am I bi or gay????

— A literal dad material — Insomnia deluxe — Never really gets what's going on— "Grandfather" & "Old man" — Music producer in disguise— Aussie— Am I bi or gay????

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Name: Lee Minho (Lee know)
Chat Name: I.K.Yk.reno.
Age: 24

— Cat is love, cat is life
— I will not acknowledge your existence until I know you.
— "If you do not know my cat's name I will chase you down the street with a chainsaw."
— Dance the night away (Professional dancer)
— Sis, I was born gay and I'm proud.

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Name: Seo Changbin
Chat name: jut_dwe.SC
Age: 23
— Everyday is a day to work out.
— If you don't like food dont talk to me
— Girl group songs are the only answers
— Personal trainer
— yes I am g-..heh. Gaeuuuhh...Im gauy.

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Name: Lee Felix
Chat name: Yon.li_xe
Age: 22
— Sunshine
— Yes I do have freckles. And tiny hands...
— Aussie pt.2
— Works at a bakery
— Im Bisexual 🤗

2— Works at a bakery— Im Bisexual 🤗

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Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Chat Name: Hy_uinjirett
Age: 22
— I'm pretty and I know it
— Sas is something positive babe 💅
— Model
— Im Bisexual, so what?

Name: Hwang Hyunjin Chat Name: Hy_uinjirettAge: 22— I'm pretty and I know it— BOMBASTIC SIDE EYe— Sas is something positive babe 💅— Model— Im Bisexual, so what?

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Name: Han jisung
Chat name: QUokka_jih
Age: 22
— I'm an extroverted introvert, got a problem?
— I can make any word into a song, wanna bet?
— Clumsy
— Idol J.ONE and is only known as J.ONE.
— Yes, I am very very gay.

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Name: Kim Seungmin
Chat name: Mi_nniepup
Age: 22
— Yes, I will roast you for anything.
— Dogs are better than cats.
— Poor.
— works at a Whackdonalds.
— Voice of an angel
— I'm not gay...okay maybe I am.

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Name: Yang Jeongin
Chat Name: Inn.I3
Age: 21
— My style is better than yours.
— I'm the target.
— I'm cute and I know it.
— Influencer & stylist, best of both worlds.
— I am bi. 🙂

Author note: heyyyy people so yes here I am making a new story, this is a texting story so a bit different than usual. But yeah these chapter will be a bit shorter so I'm HOPING that I'm able to post a little more usual. Uhm if you have any questions just ask oh and please read the description before reading

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