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Chan pov

I saw Seungmin heading out to the beach so I decided to follow him. We both sat down by the shore and Seungmin pulled out his phone, looking like he wrote something.
"What are you writing?" I asked.
"Well, this whole vacation really inspired me, I started uhm writing a song about this whole trip" he said, looking a bit embarrassed.
"Wow, can I see?" I asked and got a nod in reply and looked over on his phone.
"Is it weird that I kind of want all of us to sing it? I think it would make the vibe a little but I get that not all of them are comfortable singing" Seungmin laughed.
"Oh, I have an idea!" I said, taking Seungmins hand and dragging him back to the house. "Eh Hyunjin!, Jeongin! Come back to the house for a second!" I yelled to the others and entered the house together with Seungmin."Hey guys, how do you feel about a round of Karaoke?" I asked. And Han's face immediately lit up.
"What? I can't sing" Minho said.
"Oh stop lying, I've heard you singing in the shower, you're amazing," Han said.
"Oh I've been waiting for this, just watch Han I'm gonna out rap you so hard!" Changbin said.
"Oh yeah? Bet!" Han said. Luckily the house came with a karaoke set, we put it on competition mode, the team that got the highest score on their song would win, the teams were the same as the roommate pairs. First it was Hans team against Hyunjin's team. Han and Minhos' song was Monster from Exo (if you haven't heard this song, definitely consider listening). They scored 2234 points.
"Wow Minho you sure can score a high note, and ofcourse our J.ONE can sing flawlessly" Felix said. Next up Hyunjins team, their randomly selected song was Vulcano by J.ONE.
"Ey you got my song!" Han said. They sang the song, who knew Jeongin and Hyunjin could sing so well? Hyunjin even rapped!
"Wow guy I didn't know you had that in you" I said.
"I didn't know that either I guess I'm amazing at everything" Hyunjin Bragged. I rolled my eyes and then the score came up on the screen. 2233 points.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! ONE POINT??" Hyunjin yelled. The others started laughing hysterically.
"Well then guys we win" Han teased. Hyunjin replied with an eye roll.
"Alright Changbins team is up against Chan's team," Minho said.
"Ey this isn't fair we are up against two professional singers!" Felix said.
"It is what it is," Hyunjin shrugged.
"Alright what song are we singing?" Seungmin. The screen selected Super lady by (G) -idle.
"Oh for god sake" Seungmin said.
"You wanna take the high note at the start?" I asked.
"I guess," Seungmin said. We sang the song and ended up with 2353 points.
"Alright, cmon baby, we can definitely beat them," Changbin said.
"If you say so," Felix said. Their song was Sherlock by SHINee. They sang it flawlessly and ended up with 2567 points! Everyone else was speechless.
"Ahh! We won!" Felix said, giving a high-five with Changbin. The rest of us laughed and the rest of the evening was filled with happiness.

Author note:
Sorry for the silent treatment I've given you guys this month but a lot has been happening. School is stressful especially now when summer break is only a few weeks away, and then I managed to injure my back pretty badly and then from nowhere I got sick. Honestly it feels like Mother Nature is punishing me but enjoying this short chapter

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