Stage fright

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Chan pov

Me, Han and Seungmin were all staring at my computer screen impatiently waiting for our new album to upload to the internet. And then finally the album was out, within seconds the listener count went up at a rapid pace. Mine and Hans' phones were blowing up and soon enough even Seungmins phone started blowing up from new followers rising quicker than ever.
"Well Seungmin, are you ready to sing on stage for the first time?" I asked.
"I think so," Seungmin hesitated.
"You'll be great, don't worry!" Han reassured him. And then just an hour later we were all backstage getting ready. I could see Seungmin nervously walking around warming up his voice, I decided to walk up to him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Hey you'll be alright okay? Me and Han are here, you are not alone, remember that. You have an amazing voice, you don't have to worry about anything. I am positive that you'll be awesome" I said with a reassuring smile.
"Thanks Chan" Seungmin said.
"C'mon let's knock 'em dead" I said and we started heading to the Stage.
Meanwhile with Han..

I was getting my microphone set up when I felt a hand against my ass, I turned around to see Minho.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as soon as I saw him.
"Being your backup dancer duh" Minho said.
"Wow, it seems like you've already heard our song, too bad I wanted to surprise you" I teased him.
"Well I mean if you ever feel unsure don't worry I am right behind ya" Minho winked as he left to get up on stage. "Man he's so annoying" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes. Me and him had messaged a lot lately and even met up in private a few times, building our relationship pretty far. He was a really cool guy but sometimes very annoying but still sweet. No wait! Han focus, time to sing.
Seungmin pov

I heard in my ear monitor as the countdown began and then the first beat began and Chan began his line, he sang flawlessly with no pressure whatsoever as he was a professional at this point. And then as Chans line ended mine began, I closed my eyes and just sang my heart out, I was too afraid to opened my eyes and just sang my heart out instead but then I felt a hand on my back, it felt warm and reassuring, I looked beside my to find Chan smiling at me I then picked up some courage and looked over the crowd, it was massive but they were all cheering, I felt as my face lit up and I smiled.

Author note:
Hello people sorry for the short chapter but I had no idea how to end it honestly so I just did a short one but uhm yeah here you go. ^^

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