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Seungmin pov

I was in Chan's office as normal helping him with some song lyrics we were planning on releasing but of course Jammy was there flirting and giggling with Chan without a damn care in the world. It's not like I cared that they were flirting or anything. It was just the things she joked about and that she kept dragging away Chan attention so absolutely no work was being completed. I didn't like her one bit but I couldn't say that to Chan because he'd straight up cut ties with me. Urgh and every time I said something that bitch would glare at me like I was in the way, yikes just get a damn room.
"This new hair color really suits you Chan" Jammy said in her flirtish tone whilst messing around with his hair. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"Thanks Jammy, I actually wasn't sure to pick between this color and brown so I'm glad that you like it" Chan said with a smile.
"Well of course you look good in every hair color Chan" Jammy said.
"Chan, could you focus? We need to get this done" I said, trying to break them up so I wouldn't throw up.
"Oh right, yeah sorry Seungmin I'll get right on it, hey Jammy mind getting some coffee? I'll take black as usual, You Seung?" Chan said as I watched Jammys glare when he called me 'Seung'.
"I'll take an iced americano with extra soy milk" I said.
"Right, I'll get on it" Jammy said with an unwilling smile and then left the office. I gave a sigh in relief that she was finally gone.
"Doesn't Jammy have other things to do other than hanging around in your office?" I said.
"Not really, she answered all my emails already, at least that is what she told me" Chan said.
"Mhm hm. And you get that she's flirting with you right?" I asked as well.
"Am I sensing jealousy?" Chan asked curiously.
"I wouldn't give a damn about your love life, just do it in private." I said.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry" Chan said and then we both went quiet until the door opened back up and Jammy entered. She gave Chan his drink first and then placed mine in front of me. I reached to take a sip but then suddenly felt an off taste in my mouth and spit the coffee back into the cup.
"Is it cow's milk in this?" I asked Jammy as I stood up.
"Hey Seungmin you alright?" Chan asked.
"No, there's cow milk in this." I said.
"Why does it even matter, milk is milk, don't be such a baby" Jammy said as she rolled her eyes as I quickly grabbed an epipen from my bag and stabbed it into my thigh.
"Jammy, Seungmin is deathly allergic to cow's milk, I told you that first day you were here" Chan said.
"Whoops, might have missed that my mistake" Jammy said. Chan got up from his chair and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey are you alright? Should I drive you to the hospital you might need a doctor to check you out to make sure you are safe" Chan said with a worried tone. I simply nodded as Chan helped me up and started heading us out, Jammy began to follow but Chan took a stand.
"Jammy. You should really stay here." Chan said in a low tone before continuing to the car.

Author note:
Heyyy sorry might be a little more slow updates right now because it's a very long and stressful test period coming around and I am drowning in study papers T-T

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