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Seungmin pov

"Wake up love birds, WHOA-!" a voice said while the door flew open. I immediately woke up and looked in the doorframe where I found Han standing flabbergasted. Chan immediately took his hand off my waist and sat up.
"This is not what it looks like-!" I said.
"Yeah right, that's what everyone says!" Han said.
"No were really not together I swear we just ended up this way, the bed it tight you know?" Chan said trying to defend himself.
"Yeah right" Han said, squinting his eyes with a suspicious stair and then running out of the room yelling: "SEUNGMIN AND CHAN ARE TOGTHER". That ofcourse woke the whole house up. We were quick to deny the rumors and the hype soon died down. We all then went to the beach with the dogs. Minho, Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin all decided to play some volleyball while the rest of us at and chatted.
"You like Chan don't you?" Han asked.
"No, like I've said a million times I don't I'm straight I don't even like guys" I replied.
"If you're straight then I am tonedeath because there is no way in hell that you are straight" Han said.
"Well I'm not gay" I said.
"Alright then, what's the name of Yoru last girlfriend?" Han asked. I was silent for a second.
"I have actually...never dated anyone before"I said looking down pretty embarrassed.
"So how do you know you're straight then huh?! Cmon look at Chan for a second and tell me with a straight face taht you do not like him" Han said. I looked over at the four men playing volleyball, all shirtless. I focused my mind on Chan, he was sweating quite a bit, his muscles were intense land his abs were so appealing. I blushed a bit as I looked over at his face, his kissable lips. I then shook my head to get out of my fantasies and look over ya the others.
"Alright, maybe I am gay" I said. Realizing my crush on Chan.
"Hah! Knew it!" Han said with a smug look.
"Hey you should use this week to ask him out" Felix suggested.
"No, there's no way someone like home like me, I am merely his student" I said.
"Oh c'mon he brought you to the dang hospital and fired his assistant because of you" Jeongin said.
"Ehh, I don't know," I said.
"Hey, aren't you guys gonna join?" Hyunjin yelled from their net. We then all got up and moved towards the four other men and began forming teams.
"Team Minsung and Changlix against Chanmin and Hyunin?" Changbin asked.
"Yeah," Jeongin said.
"What are these nicknames coming from?" Minho asked.
"Well, Minho and Jisung combined are Minsung, Changbin and Felix together is Changlix, Hyunjin and we all call Jisung Innie anyway so it's Hyunin, and fans had already created Chanmin so" Felix said.
"Well then, losers have to make lunch and do the dishes," Han said.
"Bet" Chan said. He then threw the ball into the air and then hit it, beginning the game.
Too cut things short for you, Han and Minho were the most chaotic team either making their team win the match miraculously or lose miserably, this fifty-fifty Han else to them winning is some sort of way. So me and Chan were in charge in Cooking the food while Hyunjin and Jeongin did the dishes.
Jeongin pov

It was getting darker, I had just finished washing the last of the dishes, the rest were watching their phones or their computers on the couch but I couldn't find Hyunjin anywhere. I looked out the window and saw him sitting by the beach drawing on his IPad. I put my slippers on and went out to him.
"This place taken?" I asked as he shook his head and I sat down next to him. "What are you drawing?" I asked as I sat down.
"Just this beautiful view, it's beautiful, no?" He asked.
"Yeah, no it is really beautiful with the moon this close." I said.
"Hey uhm Jeongin?" Hyunjin said, turning to me, turning off his IPad.
"Hm?" I replied.
"I was wondering if you perhaps wanted to model with me? Me and Minhos company is collaborating with Chan company or that is what he told me and uhm we are going to put out some pictures on our potatograms to you know confirm our collaboration and I could pick who I wanted to model with. And I wanted to ask you" Hyunjin asked. My eyes lit up. It was my dream to model with Hyunjin.
"How could I say no? Modeling with you? Such an honor" I said.
"Oh thank god, I wouldn't know who else to ask otherwise, plus your fashion sense is impeccable" Hyunjin said. "Heh, I pay or May not have stalked your potatogram" Hyunjin laughed, scratching the back of his head.
"You really think that?" I felt my cheeks going warm.
"Yeah, it's incredible," Hyunjin said. We both stared at each other before I broke the silence, watching Seungmin and Chan sitting together by the beach a bit away from us.
"I wonder what those two are doing? I swear if those two don't end up together I can just give up on my love life" I said.
"Trouble in paradise?" Hyunjin raised his eyebrow.
"You could say that, I mean every man I met is just too much and I guess not up to my standards" I rambled.
"Oh?, so what is your standard exactly?" Hyunjin asked.
"Tall, Handsome, kind, caring and funny and dependable" I kept rambling.
"Hm, check, check and check, hey might not be the tallest but hey gotta give me some credit" Hyunjin shrugged.
"Oh shut it" I said, lightly hitting his arm.
"Ouch that hurts" Hyunjin said, faking his sobbing and pouting his lips.
Author note:
Eyy, sorry if this chapter is a bit weird I'm writing it in a car sooo yeahhh

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