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Seungmin pov

We were all gathered outside Chan company building, two cars and a lot of bags. It was a very early morning so the sun had yet to rise.
"How about we divide it so maybe Changbin, Felix Hyunjin and Jeongin in Changbins cars and the rest in my car. We all agreed on it and started putting in all the bags in the two cars. Minho and Han got into the back of the car so I decided to get into the pass after sitting next to Chan. Our car drove out of the parking lot first since Chan knew the way there, ofcourse Changbin also had a GPS in his car but we thought it would be good if Chan was in front. Han soon fell asleep on Minho's shoulder in the back of the car.
"Han is already asleep?" Chan asked whilst still having his eyes on the road.
"Yeah he doesn't like waking up this early and I swear this guy can fall asleep anywhere" Minho replied. "He can also sleep through everything so you can put some music on if you'd like, '' Minho continued. I connected my phone to Chan's car and then put on my personal playlist. Surprisingly all of us had very similar music preferences so all of us could basically sing along to the music.
Chan pov

An hour had passed on our little journey, the sun was beginning to rise and when I looked beside me I saw Seungmin sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat. His face was quite adorable when he slept, his cheeks looked so squeeze-able.
"Hey, we should stop for a minute and take the dogs out, I already texted Hyunjin about it. Minho said.
"Yeah sure it sounds like a good Idea, the dogs could use some exercise" I said. I parked the car near a trail in the forest, Changbins car soon parked beside us. Me and Minho got the leashes on Berry and Bbama and got outside. Hyunjin soon joined us and we started walking into the trail.
"Where are you others?" I asked Hyunjin.
"Felix and Jeongin were already sleeping and Changbin wanted to rest up a little in the car" Hyunjin replied."I'm guessing Seungmin and Han are asleep aswell, since Han didn't bother to walk his own dog?" Hyunjin continued and we all laughed a bit.
"Yeah they were both sleeping" I said. The three of us continued on the trail and the dogs went to the bathroom. We then headed back to our cars and got on the road again. Another hour went by and Seungmins eyes started flickering awake.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" I said as he sat up straight. He just gave me a slight mumble in reply. Han, to our surprise, also woke up.
"Good morning you too sleepy head" I said to Han in the back seat.
"Are you guys hungry? We wanted to stop by a wackdonalds drive thru.
"I want chicken nuggets and a milkshake," Seungmin said.
"I just want a Big Mac," Han said.
"You Minho?" I asked.
"I'll take a Big Mac meal as well," Minho said.
"Alright, Wackdonalds is a hundred meters away," I said.
"Hey, I'd like a nine piece chicken nugget meal with a vanilla village and ranch sauce. And then I'd like two Big Mac meals with Coke Zero with both meals and lastly a chicken burger meal with a large Coke zero" I said into the drive thru speaker. I then drove up to the window and waited for our meal, behind us was Changbins car who was also ordering. We soon got our food and we distributed it throughout the car.
Seungmin pov
I unwrapped Chan burger and fed him a bite.
"Thank you Seung" Chan said. My cheeks flushed a bit red as I heard Han and Minho giggling in the background. I shock my head and just ate my own food while I hand fed Chan from time to time so he could focus on the road.
"Five hundred meters until you arrive at your destination" the GPS voice said.
"Ah, finally" Minho said, stretching his arms.
"And then our fun week begins" Chan said as he turned onto a small street.

Author note

Ey another chapter sorry if weird in some parts I wrote in while in school in-between classes.

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