Roomates and insomnia

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Seungmin POV

We had all gotten our things into the house, the dogs were already asleep in their little dog beds.
"Alright so slight problem, there's only one room with two separate beds" Chan said.
"let's play rock paper scissors, losers in one and winners in the other and then gamble for the separate bed room" Jeongin suggested.
"Sounds good" Hyunjin said. I won against Hyunjin and Chan won against Jeongin.
"Alright so Jeongin and Hyunjin and then Chan with Seungmin" Minho said.
"What game should they play to decide who gets the separate bed?" Han asked.
"You each have 30 minutes to bake brownies, best brownie wins" Felix suggested.
"Omg that is a great Idea Felix" Han said. Luckily the kitchen in the house was quite big so this Challenge was possible. Felix put out all the ingredients to a brownie on the table but left no recipe.
"Alright, ready, set start!" Minho said, starting a timer on his phone. I started preparing the dry ingredients while Chan started on the wet ones. Me and Chan were very quick with the brownies in the oven but Hyunjin and Jeongin weren't far behind. Now it was just a guessing game of how long there we're supposed to be in the oven. Both our teams stood impatiently, staring at the oven. Soon the Hyunjin team pulled out their brownies and we soon followed. We waited a bit for the brownies to cool down and then we cut out a piece for Felix who was our judge. He tasted both while thinking hard to himself.
"Hmm, Hyunjin and Jeongin wins, Sorry Seung and Chan but yours was a little dry" Felix said.
"What? Oh well" Chan said. Chan looked over to me and winked a bit before approaching Changbin and Minho. After the rooms were all decided we decided to cook some food, it was nearing the evening and all of us were hungry. Felix and Minho both volunteered to cook.
"I didn't know Minho could cook," Changbin said while the rest of us were sitting on the couch.
"I didn't know either but the man is a cooking genius, ah such a dram guy" Han bragged about his lovely boyfriend.
"Yeah yeah we get it your boyfriend is amazing Han" Jeongin said, rolling his eyes.
"Food is ready," Minho yelled from the kitchen. Felix and Minho has made a real feast, chicken and a lot of different delicious side dishes. We all ate like kings that evening. Later we were all exhausted. We all went to our rooms, I got into bed and watched Chan who was watching his phone beside me. I glanced at him for a second before pulling my blanket up and fell asleep.
Chan pov

I had a hard time falling asleep, I've been struggling with it a lot lately. My brain just won't fall asleep. I looked at the time, it was three in the morning. Berry was sleeping by my legs. I turned around in bed multiple times trying to find a way to fall asleep. I heard Seungmin groan and lift his head up.
"What are you doing?" Seungmin whispered while rubbing his eye.
"Sorry that I woke you up" I whispered back.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Seungmin asked.
"I can't," I said.
"How? You should be exhausted, you've been driving all day" Seungmin said, looking at me with a concerned face.
"I haven't been able to sleep so well lately, but it's fine I'm fine" I said.
"It's not fine,fine," Seungmin said. At this point Berry had woken up by the sound of our voices, staring at us with a confusing expression. "How about we go for a walk?" Seungmin suggested and I nodded. We quietly picked up Berry and made our way to the front door. We put a leash on Berry and put someput some clothes on ourselves. We made our way to the beach, the moon was reflecting on the water making a beautiful scenery. Berry was sniffing everything in sight.
"So, how long have you've been having sleep problems?" Seungmin asked, breaking the silence.
"A week, maybe two" I said.
"Have you've gone to a doctor about it?" Seungmin asked.
"No, I don't think it's that big of an issue" I said.
"Not a big issue? Sleep is the most important thing for your body. You should really good to a doctor when we get back to Seoul" Seungmin said.
"But, I have so much work too do-" I said
"I'll take your work on myself so you can clear your schedule and go to the doctor" Seungmin interrupted.
"You'd really do that?" I asked.
"Yes, you're the reason I am even here today I owe you everything ofcourse I'll take on some of your work so you can get checked out by a doctor you dumb idiot. Don't be afraid to take care of yourself" Seungmin said, lightly hitting my arm.
"Thank you Seungmin" I said with a smile.
"Alright, let's go back I actually want to have some energy for tomorrow" Seungmin said. We went back into the house and got back into the bed.
"Hey uhm Seungmin, can I hug you until I fall asleep?" I asked. Looking away a bit not wanting it to get weird. But I did feel better with an embrace.
"No of course" Seungmin said. I hugged Seungmins waist and managed to fall asleep.
"You can really see the moon in its full beauty here," Chan said.

Author note:

Yay new chapter, Btw to anyone who also read hands up babe uhm I don't think I will be able to post a chapter of it this month since I am extremely busy this month with a lot of test and I have a vacation coming up so I won't be writing as much so yeah I might delay that one. I hope you're having a good week atleast better than mine, byee!

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