Moments captured in pictures

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J.ONE 🎵 just posted...
Liked by seung_min00 and 10 987 6 others
Surrounded by the best people ❤️


Wait dang minute, J.ONE?! Seungmin?! HWANG goddam HYUNJIN


CB97 🎵
Best people fr 🩷

Hyunjin_hwa ☑️ just posted

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Hyunjin_hwa ☑️ just posted...
Liked by CB97 and 2 456 3 others
These people are like my family 💙

Leeknowho_2 just postedLiked by Hyunjin_hwa and 5 876 othersJagi got food poisoning and left me alone

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Leeknowho_2 just posted
Liked by Hyunjin_hwa and 5 876 others
Jagi got food poisoning and left me alone.
Instantly became 3-🛞

Seung_min00☑️ just posted liked by CB97 and 1 876 2 others Sorry for the food poisoning Hannie

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Seung_min00☑️ just posted
liked by CB97 and 1 876 2 others
Sorry for the food poisoning Hannie

Seung_min00☑️ just posted liked by CB97 and 1 876 2 others Sorry for the food poisoning Hannie

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Yongbaker1 just posted
Liked by Seung_min00 and 3 765 others
We lost the others in the mall...

where are ya'll ? @Seung_min00 , @Seo_bine , @Yang_IN ,
@Hyunjin_hwa 😭

where are ya'll ? @Seung_min00 , @Seo_bine , @Yang_IN , @Hyunjin_hwa 😭

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Seo_bine just posted...
liked by Leeknowho_2 and 3 876 others...
A much needed vacation with my favorite people

A much needed vacation with my favorite people

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CB97 ☑️ just posted...
liked by Seo_bine and 12 456 3 others
Maybe I should of taken a picture when it was less windy lol

liked by Seo_bine and 12 456 3 others Maybe I should of taken a picture when it was less windy lol

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Yang_IN ☑️ just posted...
Liked by J.ONE and 10 873  others
I think they accidentally adopted me...

Author note:
I like that I told myself "alright I have a pretty high fever I'll just make a short chapter with some posts from their potato gram and that's it"

It took 3 hours...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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