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Inn.l3: hey do y'all have potatogram?

Mi_nniepup: yh

jut_dwe.SC : Yeah ofcourse

Yon.li_xe: Yeah why?

Hy_uinjirett: UHm yeah-

I.K.YK.reno.:Uh yeah

Inn.I3: Chan? Han?

Pov with Chan

"Shit, I can't give them my insta, I just wanted to keep low about who I am, what do I do- i guess I will just make a fake account-" Chan thought for himself while quickly pulling up his computer to make a fake account on potatogram.




Han pov

"FUCK my password for my fake account expired?! what kind of crap is this! I'll just make a new one" Han said to himself while over and over again trying to get his original fake account back.




Back with the group chat

gn_ad.nahc: Uh yeah I have one sorry something came up haha

Mi_nniepup: You sound awfully suspicious

gn_ad.nahc: i'm not!

Mi_nniepup: mhm hm

QUokka_jih: Uh yeah I also have one

I.K.YK.reno.: what took you so long to answer

QUokka_jih: Forgot my password

Inn.I3: Anyway, I thought we could exchange social media with each other!

Yon.li_xie: yeah that sounds fun!

Inn.I3 sent a picture

I3 sent a picture

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Inn.I3: Feel free to follow ♥️
Yon.li_xie: Omg! you're Yang Jeongin! I already follow you! you are huge!
Inn.I3: ah thank you!
                    Yon.li_xie sent a photo

li_xie sent a photo

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