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Seungmin pov

Seungmin was walking down the street, he was going to meet up with two of his new friends, Innie and Felix at the café. He opened the door to see Innie and Felix talking by the counter, Felix on one side, baking and jeongin on the other side, sitting on a high chair.
"Hi" he said, getting the attention from Innie and Felix.
"Hi!" Felix waved with a big smile on his face and flour covered hands.
"Hi Seungmin, come and sit," Jeongin said, pointing at the chair next to him. Seungmin walked to the chair and sat down. "I'm so glad you could meet up!" Jeongin said.
"Yeah, my classes got canceled so I figured why not, so what are you guys talking about?" Seungmin asked.
"Oh you know, crushes," Jeongin said, sipping his coffee.
"Crushes"? "May I ask who?"
"Hyunjin!" argh, I've had the biggest crush on him since his debut" Jeongin said.
"Well I mean he is a celebrity so i'm not so sure you're the only one who feels that way" Seungmin said.
"I guess...but maybe I have a chance since we kind of know each other heh" Jeoning said.
"Keep dreaming" Seungmin scuffed.
"Coffee? my treat" Felix asked.
"Sure, why not?" Seungmin said as Felix nodded and walked over to the coffee machine.
"Oh and Felix said he liked Changbin" Jeongin said.
"Changbin? Now that's surprising, why do you like him?" Seungmin asked as Felix's cheeks flushed a pink-ish color.
"Well, I mean he looks very handsome and he's very funny, he's exactly like my type" Felix said and slid over Seungmins coffee.
"I mean, you do you" Seungmin said as he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. "So the café is closed?" Seungmin asked as he noticed the very empty café.
"Yeah, I figured I'd close a bit early since you guys were coming," Felix said. "And it gives me some extra time to bake some extra goodies for tomorrow.
Just then two figures could be seen entering the café, no other than Han and Chan.
"Wh-What are you guys doing here?" Seungmin asked.
"Felix invited us," Chan said.
"Oh, it just feels weird seeing the two of you in person. I'm surprised there isn't anyone following you" Seungmin said.
"Haha, I guess so," Chan said.
"What are you guys talking about?" Han said as the two of them sat down, Chan next to Seungmin and Han next to Chan.
"Crushes" Jeongin said.
"Oh really?" spill everything!" Han said.
"Jeongin is in love with Hyunjin but he's way out of his league and Felix is weirdly enough in love with Changbin '' Seungmin said and then took another sip of his coffee.
"Wow" Chan said. "Hey Seungmin, don't you have classes? because Felix said you declined at first" he continued.
"Uhm, well yeah I did but they got canceled because my professor fell ill" Seungmin said.
"What is your major anyway?" Han asked.
"Performing arts" Seungmin said. 
"Oh, so you wanna become an artist?" Chan asked.
"I mean it would be a dream, but being how things are now I don't know" Seungmin said, holding his two hands wrapped around the coffee cup and staring down at his remaining coffee.
"Oh, what do you do?" Chan asked.
"Uhm, I like singing" Seungmin said, feeling his cheeks getting a bit warm out of embarrassment.
"Omg! a fellow singer" Han said with excitement.
"Hey, why don't you come to my studio sometime?" Chan asked.
"What- no I couldn't" Seungmin said, still embarrassed.
"Oh cmon, I'm sure you're great," Chan said and paused and reached for his pocket. "Here's my card, it has the address of my studio and my number, just call me"
"I could have just messaged you in the chat" Seungmin said and grabbed the card.
"My assistant thinks I'm not professional enough," Chan laughed. "Think about it"
They hung out for a while at the café until it got dark outside and everyone needed to head home. Seungmin, still with the card in his hand staring down at it. Wondering if he should call. I mean, it was his dream, right?

Author note:
A gift from me to you

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