Hello Skz

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gn_ab.nahc was added to the group
I.K.YK.reno. was added to the group
jut_dwe.SC was added to the group
Yon.li_xe was added to the group
Hy_uinjirett was added to the group
QUokka_jih was added to the group
Mi_nniepup was added to the group
Inn.I3 was added to the group

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gn_ad.nahc: Hi
I.K.YK.reno.: Hi
Yon.li_xe : Hello
QUokka_jih: Hi Hi
Mi_nniepup: Hi
jut_dwe.SC : Yo
Hy_uinjirett: hi
gn_ad.nahc: So, do we wanna introduce ourselves? Yk to make sure no one's a old man weirdo
Mi_nniepup: yk, there's a thing called ✨Lying✨
gn_ad.nahc: I can have faith in some people plus I have a feeling that y'all are good. I'll go first.
gn_ad.nahc: My name is Bang Chan, you can call me Chan. I'm 25 years old and I'm originally from Australia but now I live in Seoul with my Dog.
Mi_nniepup: you have a dog?
gn_ad.nahc: yeah her name is Berry
Yon.li_xe : Omg! A fellow Aussie, g'day mate! My name Is Felix. I moved to Seoul a few weeks ago and I'm 22.
gn_ad.nahc: Nice to hear another Aussie in here g'day mate!
Hy_uinjirett: Ohh I'm 22 as well
Mi_nniepup: ^
QUokka_jih: ^^
Hy_uinjirett: Well, my name is Hyunjin. I'm 22 as you already know. And I am very ✨pretty✨
Mi_nniepup: Hah, you sure do have a lot of confidence.
Hy_uinjirett: Confidence is Key Mi_nniepup
Mi_nniepup: :p
Mi_nniepup: I'm Seungmin and I'm 22, dogs are better than cats period.
gn_ad.nahc: Agreed 👍
I.K.YK.reno.: No cats are 100% better
Mi_nniepup: No.
I.K.YK.reno.: yes. Anyway, I'm Minho, call me Lee know I'm 24 I own three cats, Soonie, Doongie and Dori. Remember them.
QUokka_jih: I think Cats are better than dogs.
I.K.YK.reno.: Good, that's the only right answer
QUokka_jih: I'm Han Jisung. Call me Han. Music is my life and I'm 22.
gn_ad.nahc: ohhh what's your favorite song?
QUokka_jih: Hmm, idk, it's always different. Rn is Alien by J.ONE
gn_ad.nahc: OMG yess J.ONES music is fire 🔥
I.K.YK.reno.: ^
Hy_uinjirett: ^^
Inn.I3: ^^^
jut_dwe.SC : ^^^^
Yon.li_xe : ^^^^^
Inn.I3: Uhm so my name is Jeongin, friends call me Innie and I'm 21 years old and I probably own the most pieces of clothing of all of you.
gn_ad.nahc: Probably true..I own three black hoodies, two white T-shirts, two black shirts and 3 black pants. 🥹
Mi_nniepup: Honestly same
gn_ad.nahc: oh, you also have a hard time choosing what to wear?
Mi_nniepup: nope just poor
gn_ad.nahc: yikes
jut_dwe.SC : I'm Seo Changbin. I am a personal trainer. I'm 23 years old and I love New jeans.
gn_ad.nahc: ooo, what gym do you work at?
jut_dwe.SC : Central Gym in Seoul
gn_ad.nahc: Naur way! I work out there too
jut_dwe.SC : maybe we can work out together some time!
gn_ad.nahc: course man
Hy_uinjirett: So, what should we name the group chat?
Inn.I3: uhm do y'all know the Skz uni?
gn_ad.nahc: Yeah I used to go there
I.K.YK.reno.: ^
Hy_uinjirett: ^^
Mi_nniepup: : ^^^
jut_dwe.SC : ^^^^
Yon.li_xe : ^^^^^
Inn.l3: then let's call ourselves Skz

    Inn.l3 changed the group chat name to "Skz🔥🔥🔥"

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