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Han pov

As the song ended I was drained, I gave it my all and then went backstage together with Minho.
"Hey after your autograph session you wanna come to my place?" Minho asked.
"Yeah sure" I said.
"Oh and Hyunjin will be there as well," Minho continued.
"Oh okay" I said, trying to be positive but honestly I just wanted to spend some alone time with Minho.
"Uhm but hey I think I will be very busy with this new album and all so I actually don't know if I have time to hang out" I said, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Oh alright then" Minho said and walked off. I sighed and just felt down for the rest of the evening. When I finally got home I just collapsed in bed and just wanted to disappear. Suddenly my phone started blowing up again and I opened my phone.

                    Skz 🔥🔥🔥


Hy_uinjirett: YEAHH 🔥🔥🔥

gn_ab.nahc: thanks ya'll but I'm just thankful to be back in bed haha

I.K.YK.reno.: oh I thought you guys were gonna be up all night

gn_ab.nahc: no the staff let us leave pretty early cuz of our banger performance so I've been taking a nap for a while now.

             Private chat with RENOO😤 and Hansonsung

RENOO😤: Han?
                 I know that you're online I saw it in the group      chat

Hansonsung: yeah I'm here

RENOO😤: Did I do something wrong? Was it because I smacked you on the butt? Usually you never care about that.

Hansonsung: no it's not that I was just tired

RENOO😤: don't give me that crap I can tell your lies even when it's through a screen, was it Hyunjin? Did ya'll fight or something?

Ohhh or are you jealous that I invited Hyunjin huh?

Hansonsung: Yeah I am, I like just hanging out with you is that such a problem?

RENOO😤: oh what? Seriously? Hey I'm sorry I didn't know



Han pov

Man I felt awful, I felt like such a brat. I acted like this was some sort of middle school crush, ignoring people while messaging. I was a grown man for god sake I should be so held up by this bullcrap. It's not like Hyunjin and him were in a relationship, not like I cared if they were. Did I? No. What no. Man is this what people call gay panic?

Oh what is this? Another chapter? Same day? Wow

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