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Minho pov

I was dancing on stage, watching Han knowing that I had to talk to him. As soon as everything was done and we went backstage I grabbed his hand and got us into the bathroom.
"We need to talk," I said.
"W-what are you doing? Why did you just pull me into the bathroom you pervert!" Han yelled.
"I'm sorry I panicked and I didn't know how else I could get some time alone with you" I said. "Look Han, I love being with you. Our friendship is what means the most to me, usually I'm not one who really cares about stuff like this but seeing you hurt broke my heart. I don't know what this feeling is, just you know if you wanna try to become something more than friends I'm up to it, but if you don't want that I just want us two to be friends and not fight or be distant like this, I hate it" I said. I had poured my heart out, something I never did and I honestly felt weird doing it but it was for him, and because of that I could do anything. I looked over at Han, he was shocked and frozen, probably still processing everything I just said.
"Y-you like me?" is all he said after a few seconds of silence.
"Yes, more than anything in the world," I said. He then gave me a big hug and hurried his head into my chest. I was a bit startled at the gesture at first but then melted into his hug, and then we just stood there for a few seconds, feeling eachother embrace.
"Can we keep this under the weather for a while? I don't want my fans to know," Han said as he broke the hug.
"No, of course take all the time you want" I said.
"Thanks, gotta go Chan and Seungmin are waiting for me. Meet me at my apartment tonight" Han said as he gave me a peck on the lips and left. Man I got the best guy in the world I thought to myself as I watched him leave.
Chan pov

I hired a new assistant, someone to help me with small chores like feeding my dog, getting me some food or coffee. You know those basic chores that I sometimes don't have time for when my work is super busy. The assistant is called Jammy, she seems pretty good.

Seungmin pov

I hate her.

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