Gym therapy

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The next few days were just filled with a lot of promotion, interviews and other sorts of thing to help to raise the awareness of the album. It was all very fun, Seungmin and Chan were truly amazing people to work with but I still couldn't keep my mind off Minho but I couldn't talk to him either, he probably hates me.
Minho pov

Changbin had invited me, Chan and Hyunjin to the gym with him. I didn't go to the gym every day but I tried doing it once a week at least so it was more motivating to go with a couple of friends. When I got there the rest was already in full training mode.
"Hey Minho, glad that you could join us," Chan said.
"Yeah thanks" I said and started warming up.
"So what have y'all been doing? Well I know Chan has been promoting his new album but the rest of yall?" Changbin said.
"Hey do ya'll think Seungmin is gay?" Chan interrupted.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin said.
"I mean, he says he's straight but I don't think he is," Chan continued.
"Why are you so fixated on him being gay?" Changbin asked.
"Well I mean he's kinda cute," Chan said.
"You have a crush on him? Wow, isn't that considered dating a minor?" I said.
"No he's twenty two plus you know maybe I do but I mean he says his straight so maybe I should just move on" Chan said.
"Well you've only known him for a couple of weeks, maybe you should wait a little," Changbin said.
"Maybe" Chan said.
"So-" Changbin said but quickly got interrupted.
"Hey, do you think Han hates me? He hasn't texted me in a week and last time he did we kind of, fought? I honestly don't know what to call it" I said.
"Wow, guess this is a dating club now," Changbin mumbled for himself.
"No I doubt he does, he seems to really like your company, but he has been a bit down lately. Maybe you should talk to him" Chan said.
"I don't know, maybe I should give him some space" I said.
"Oh c'mon Han is way into you, the two of you basically clicked the first time you met" Hyunjin said.
"Well, do you like him romantically?" Chan asked.
"I think I do, I mean usually I wouldn't care too much if I lost contact with someone but this actually hurt a bit" I said.
"Then go talk to him," Chan said.
"Yeah, I will," I said.
"Hey we should go to the cafe later" Changbin suggested.
"What do you can see your beloved Felix?" Hyunjin teased him.
"Well his brownies are absolutely delicious" Changbin replied.
"Simp" I said.
"Well can you blame me? The guy is a literal sunshine" Changbin said.
"Eh true" I said.

Author note:
Well, well, well Minho coming with love problems for the boys and Chan likes Seungmin? Interesting very interesting.

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