I Want You

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"Autumn," Harry rushed into the room, bending down to her hastily. Her head was down, sobbing quietly. Harry grabbed her by her shoulders quickly and pulled her into a hug.

"Leave me alone, please," she sobbed against his chest, yet she found a strange comfort in the embrace.

"Did he do something..." he paused, not finishing the sentence.

"No!" she replied abruptly, "I need a minute Harry," she whispered, trying her hardest to keep her voice steady.

Harry nodded with a concern across his face. He left the room, giving Autumn the space she needed.


Tommy pushed out a suppressed sigh as he entered dark streets of Small Heat. A cold night air bringing him a relief from the tension of his encounter with Autumn. Pushing down his emotions was typical for him but Autumn stirred them aggressively, making it hard to control them.

As Tommy strolled through the familiar streets of the city he owned, a familiar sense of control began to settle back in. That's when he remembered.

Maria Thompson!

Swiftly, he made his way to their house at Watery Lane.

John was already sitting by a kitchen table with a whiskey in his hand, waiting for Tommy.

"Speak" Tommy commanded as he slipped off his coat and took a seat next to him, placing his peaky cap on the table.

"You better take a look yourself" John mumbled, pushing a file closer to Tommy.

Tommy knew it wasn't good by the look on his brother's face. He grabbed a file and made his way to his office.

Before he opened a file, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and lit a cigarette to help with his nerves.

Maria Thompson, a widow. Born and raised in Birmingham, Small Heat. Her husband died from a tuberculosis. She had two daughters, both died from the same illness as her husband. May Thompson, Regina Thompson, unmarried, childless.
She died at age 58 from a heart attack.

"Fuck!" Tommy slammed his hands against a table, breathing through a gritted teeth. It didn't make a sense to him. She lied about everything.

Tommy shelby knew, that he needed to change his approach to this situation to win this game with Autumn Thompson, or whoever she was.


"Harry, tell them we're getting close. He almost kissed me, but he doesn't trust me yet. He's trying to get under my skin. And tell them you heard him asking me about a men following me around" Autumn winked at Harry who's taking a notes against a counter.

After a dreadful night, she was relieved to return to her empty home, even if it meant facing the harsh reality.

Slipping off her coat, she continued undressing, letting her long dress fall to the ground. Kicking her heels across the room, she walked straight into her bedroom upstairs, clad only in her underwear.

Too tired to indulge in a bath or eat, she collapsed onto the bed and drifted to sleep right away.

Before she could reach the familiar part of the nightmare, she was abruptly pulled out of her dream by a loud knocking against a wooden door.

Gangster's Heart // Tommy Shelby fanficWhere stories live. Discover now