You've Got To Trust Me, Tommy

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"Harry!" Anna dashed towards the bartender, a radiant grin spreading across his face behind the counter.  His arms tightened around her waist, and with a playful twirl, they shared a moment of infectious laughter.

"Autumn, I was worried about you," Harry said, easing back while keeping a gentle hold on her waist.

In this moment, any onlooker might mistake them for a couple, but their bond was purely platonic, a connection built on genuine care and affection.

"I worried about you" she sighed, pulling away to grab two glasses.

Harry cooperated, grabbing a bottle of gin that he knew Autumn liked and expertly poured the liquor into the waiting glasses. "What happened? Tommy shut us down yesterday. He was furious," Harry remarked, lifting his glass and taking a thoughtful sip.

Anna took a hearty gulp before delving into the events of the past three days, explaining everything that has happened, everything except for her carefully guarded secret. It felt like a month had passed, with so much unfolding in such a short span.

"Are you serious?" Harry gasped, his hand flying to his mouth in astonishment.

"Uhmm," Anna nodded, holding her glass against her lips.

"Watch your step, Autumn. You're strollin' in their crib now. Shelbys are a dangerous family, don't forget that," he whispered, concern flickering in his brown eyes.

Anna scoffed, "that I know," rolling her eyes and sighing. "I need information already; Italians are pushing me," she continued with a weary expression, downing her drink.

"Ah, my dear Autumn, I wish I could help," he said, pushing his bottom lip out with wrinkled eyebrows, expressing genuine sympathy for his friend.

Anna sent him a gentle smile, her hand lightly touching his. He promptly hopped down from his chair, pulling her into a warm hug. She closed her eyes, savoring the comfort she desperately needed. He was her first real friend, and she cherished him.

The comfort and sense of safety evaporated when the sound of someone clearing their throat abruptly interrupted them.

They separated in a flash – Anna's cheeks tinged with a delicate blush, Harry hurriedly smoothing his uniform. His chest rose rapidly, revealing the turmoil he tried to hide. Wide-eyed, his gaze reflected the fear lurking in his thoughts.

"Harry, make sure the pub stays empty today, my family will join me soon" Tommy ordered, his sky-blue eyes flickering with a mix of anger and surprise. With a pointed look, he stomped into a private lounge, paying no mind to Anna, who felt a sudden chill in the air.

Anna blinked, giving a reassuring nod to Harry, silently conveying that everything would be okay. However, Harry's mind was already spiraling, gripped by fear of Thomas Shelby's anger. He knew all the tales, the ominous reputation of the Peaky Blinders, and the last thing he wanted was to become their next victim.

Tommy seethed, forcing himself into a wooden chair, his body absorbing the pain from the sudden shock. He slammed his hand against a table in frustration. What was she trying to do? First, she was kissing him, touching him, sending sweet smiles his way, and now she throws herself at the first man she sees?

"Whiskey!" Tommy shouted, the command resonating loud enough to be heard even outside of the pub.

A few minutes passed, and there she was, entering a private lounge with a certain look, cradling a bottle of Irish Whiskey in her soft hands.

Tommy rolled his eyes at her entrance. "Are you a barmaid now?" he scoffed, too exhausted to hide his anger.

She placed the whiskey and the glass on the table, raising her eyebrows in clear offense at his behavior.

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