A Wedding

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"Mrs. Thompson. You've violated our arrangement" a slick Italian accent is echoing through a phone.

"I didn't know he'd be there" Autumn sighed, her voice full of worry.

"If he can't keep his distance, we'll have to remove him" a man whispers mischievously.

"Please, don't. I promise it won't happen again" Autumn begged.

"Ultima possibilità" he hisses in Italian.


"This is his last chance. If Johhny shows up again, my men will take care of him"

"I've set our plan to movion" Autumn breathed, trying to redirect a conversation.

"I've heard... You better be getting some informations already. We're getting impatient" he said in a low voice.

"I'm working on it, Thomas Shelby is not an easy targed. He doesn't trust anyone" she mumbled.

"He will trust you, Mrs. Thompson, he will"


"What's the plan, Tom?" John glared at Tommy, who calmly smoked in his seat. The whole family watched, awaiting a reason for this meeting.

"Today, our brother is getting married," Tommy pointed at Arthur, who grinned proudly. Smiles exchanged around the room at the thought of his happy day.

"I decided to invite Autumn Thompson," Tommy announced, watching their smiles fade into worry and confusion.

"Why would you do that?" Ada frowned, crossing her arms on her chest in confusion.

"This is our chance to get to know her better" he took a drag from his cigarette, "you all do what you know the best, drink. And make sure she drinks too" he pushed out a cloud of smoke, smirking.

"Why didn't we vote on this matter?" Ada asked once again.

"Well, let's vote now" Tommy said calmly, stubbing his cigarette.

"I agree" Arthur raised his hand confidently, followed by John and Esme, who mirrored her husband's decision. Polly added a sly smirk to her vote, her gaze fixed on Tommy. Ada rolled her eyes but eventually raised her hand in reluctant agreement.

"That's it" and with that, Tommy rose, ready to leave, patting Arthur's shoulder as he walked away.


Standing in front of a mirror, Autumn couldn't decide on what to wear. She had too many options to choose from but she wasn't sure what "little family gathering" meant. Thomas asked her to wear a nice dress, so she wondered if he might be misleading her about the occasion.

After what felt like hours, she settled on a red dress for the evening. The beautiful, bright red gown with off-shoulder puffy sleeves, revealing the lines of her collarbones. It hugged her curves perfectly, and she completed her look with elegant black heels and delicate pearls.

For the first time in weeks, she felt beautiful. Nostalgia washed over her as she observed herself in the mirror. It reminded her of that fateful night when their life with Johhny changed. The night they decided to go on date and came across the Garrison. Her life felt like she wasn't in control since then. Just a scenes she watched from above. Johnny was gone, and she had kissed another man, a notorious gangster. Now, she was preparing to attend a family gathering with him, a twist in her life she never saw coming.

The sound of a loud and persistent car honk interrupted her thoughts, traveling from the street into her room. Rushing to the window, she caught sight of a silver Bentley parked in the driveway. Rolling her eyes, she hurried downstairs, following the annoying and persistent sound echoing through the house.

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