I'll Protect You

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Anna burst into her bedroom, ready to unleash her anger on Tommy. Her eyes scanned the room frantically, only to find him lying on the bed, peacefully asleep.

As she approached, her heart softened, and the flames of anger flickered. There he lay, in his clothes, face down and uncovered. Deep in sleep.

In his sleep, Tommy looked too innocent and peaceful. She'd never guess he was a man that has killed before. A man that everyone was afraid of. In that moment, he was just a man, like anybody else.

Silently crawling onto the bed, careful not to disturb his slumber, she observed him. His face was relaxed, mouth slightly open, and his breath shallow. A strange warmth filled her chest. But the disgust welled up within her when she realized she was catching feelings for him. Feelings for this man while she was still engaged to someone else. How could she let herself be so foolish?

She sighed and gently pulled off his shoes, thinking it must have been uncomfortable to sleep in them. She proceeded to slip off his suit, it was easy as was sleeping on his stomach. Pausing to catch her breath, she observed him, contemplating whether she should also remove his pants.

As she grabbed the waist of his pants, he shifted onto his back, causing her heart to skip a beat. Glancing up at him, she ensured he was still sleeping, and indeed, he was. She quickly undid his pants, but the sudden movement made him jump up instantly, grunting in pain as it caused him pain.

"I-I'm sorry, I tried to-"

"You're gonna be the death of me"he mumbled in his sleepy voice, leaning against his elbows as he watched her hyperventilating with red cheeks. Clearly amused by her embarrassment, he couldn't hide the hint of a playful smirk.

"Are you laughing at me?" she jumped onto the bed next to him, grabbing a pillow and hugging it as she watched him.

"Yes," he pushed himself back down, staring at the ceiling, a smile playing on his bruised face.

Anna continued to watch him, noting his tired eyes and the struggle to keep them open. It was evident he needed rest.

"So, are you going to finish it or what?" he smirked at her with a raised eyebrow, causing her cheeks to burn once again.

Tommy knew how to embarrass her and she hated that he had this effect on her.

She quickly jumped back down and pulled down his already unbottoned pants, leaving him in his white briefs. Looking away, she tried her best not to stare at him.

"Now, the shirt," he commanded, pushing himself up on his elbows.

Anna rolled her eyes; two could play this game. She crawled up onto the bed, climbing onto his lap and sitting down on his thighs gently, careful not to hurt him.

Tommy's heart reacted immediately, pounding so hard he feared she might hear it. Her hands ventured to his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly, each touch sending shivers through him. His breath quickened, and a smirk played on her lips as she deliberately teased him.

"Hurry up" he growled, pushing back his head and regretting this game already.

She undid the last button and slipped it down off his shoulders. Tommy helped her to remove it so now he was laid there, only in his white briefs with her sat on top of him. He felt a blood pulsating in his veins and if he wasn't this sore he'd show her just how much he needed her right now.

Anna felt his need pressing against her thigh as she sat on top of him, and she couldn't believe she had another man in this bed with her, in this intimate position.

"You should cover yourself," she breathed as she slid down off him and pulled the cover on her side of the bed, leaving room for him to roll under. She avoided his needy gaze, creating a distance that felt necessary in that moment.

Without a word, Tommy got under the cover and she quickly walked around the bed, sliding in next to him. Her cheeks still burned, and her heart raced, but she tried not to show it. The desire for him pulsed through her more intensely than anything before. It was a new and uncertain feeling, and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

Half an hour passed, and both of them had cooled down. Lying there, they stared at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. Tommy's desires lingered, and Anna's mind buzzed with thoughts of Johnny, the Italians, and these newfound feelings for Tommy.

"You sleeping?" Tommy whispered, his eyes fixed on a celling.

"No" she mumbled.

"Me either" he breathed. Anna furrowed her brows in confusion, well aware he couldn't see her. Was he trying to talk to her but didn't know how?

"What's the reason behind this war with italians?" she asked, the question that had bothered her for so long.

"My brother" Tommy's voice was low and quit, almost a whisper.

"I don't understand"

"My brother fucked up"

"But how?" she looked at him, studying his stony side profile in the dark as he continued to look up.

"He killed one of them"

"Why?" she pushed.

Tommy looked at her, meeting her eyes in the dark room, "it was accident" he whispered and turned his attention back to the celling.

Anna wasn't sure how is it possible to kill someone by an accident but decided to let it be.

"I'll protect you" Tommy whispered, grabbing her hand under the sheet, his eyes softening as they met hers again, "I promise" he tightens his grip on her hand.

Anna could feel tears pushing into her eyes and she didn't know how long will she be able to hold on. This game has ruined her life. And it will ruin Tommy's too.

She snuggled closer to him, hiding her tears as she wrapped her arm around his chest. Tommy embraced her, planting a soft kiss in her messy hair.

"Goodnight Anna"

"Goodnight Tommy"


The sound of a ringing phone pulled Anna out of her sleep. She gently slipped out of Tommy's embrace and ran downstairs as quickly as she could, hoping it wouldn't wake him up.

She had a hunch about who was on the other side calling.

"Yes?" she whispered into the speaker, pushing back her heavy breaths from running.

"I heard we had problems earlier today," an Italian accent rolled off the phone.

"It's settled, he is not suspecting me" Anna looked behind her shoulders nervously, hoping he was still asleep.

"Good," a man whispered.

"I can't talk right now," she tried to keep her voice as low as possible.

"But he wants me to move into his house, to keep me safe," she blushed at the sentence she just uttered.

"From us?" a man laughed.


He clicked his tongue before replying, "Good. You can gather more information from there."

"Goodnight, Mrs. Thompson."

Anna couldn't force herself to get back to sleep. Instead, she made herself a warm cup of tea and let her mind drift in the quiet solitude of the night.

Gangster's Heart // Tommy Shelby fanficWhere stories live. Discover now