I'll Drink To That

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Autumn sensed herself becoming the prey in a den of predators, a house teeming with gangsters and criminals

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Autumn sensed herself becoming the prey in a den of predators, a house teeming with gangsters and criminals. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine finding herself in such a situation. What would her mother think of this unexpected twist in her life.

A sense of relief washed over Autumn when Ada, Tommy's sister, proposed they share a drink together. Following her lead, they navigated toward a small table on the side, offering a perfect view of the dance floor. However, Autumn couldn't ignore the fact that the table Ada led them to was already occupied by a group of men.

It didn't take long for the men jump up from their seats as three women approached, allowing Ada, Autumn and Polly to claim their spots.

That's the effect Shelbys had on people.

Polly and Ada settled into their seats with grace and confidence, Autumn couldn't help but watch them, feeling a mix of surprise and concern realizing these were the people she was now involved with.

"Don't stand there, love," Polly smirked at Autumn, gesturing for her to take a seat.

"Being a Shelby has its benefits," Ada laughed.

Autumn took her seat nervously, joining in the laughter.

"I see," she nodded, straightening in her seat.

"There's a god, and then there are the Peaky Blinders," Polly smirked as she poured three whiskeys.

Autumn didn't fully grasp what Polly meant, but she accepted her glass, even though she disliked whiskey. Grateful for the alcohol, she made an effort not to scrunch her face at the taste. As she downed her drink, she could already foresee her future by the lingering taste on her tongue.

"So you and Tommy?" Ada asked, grinning from ear to ear as she poured another round.

"It's complicated" Autumn replied with a blush, wishing she could escape the conversation.

"He invited you to the family wedding, it's a big step for Tommy" Polly added with her smug smirk as she raised her glass.

Autumn copied her move, observing how quickly they were drinking. She was aware that trying to keep pace with them might lead to an unpleasant outcome, but she did it anyway.

"I didn't know it was a wedding," Autumn croaked, her throat burning after downing her glass.

"That's so typical of him," Ada laughed, grabbing Autumn's arm playfully.

Autumn could already feel the effects of the brown liquor coursing through her veins, reminding herself repeatedly not to say something she'd regret later.

"I'll drink to that," Polly laughed, pouring another round and lifting her glass triumphantly. Ada followed suit, and with a reluctant chuckle, Autumn found herself raising another glass of whiskey.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Autumn laughed, the glint in her eyes signaling to Ada and Polly that their plan is working.

"It's a wedding sweetheart, we're celebrating" Polly sneered, lighting a cigarette. Autumn nodded, her visions getting blurry.

"And lemme tell ya, it's a, like, fuckin' nice weddin" Autumn giggled, her words coming out slurred.

Polly and Ada exchanged amused glances, acknowledging how effortlessly they got Autumn drunk and talking.

"It is," Polly remarked, taking a long drag of her cigarette and pouring another round of whiskey, surprising even Ada this time. While she could feel it in her system by now, she was holding up better than poor Autumn.

"To the groom and, wait, where's the bride? I didn't see a bride, seriously. Is she even real?" Autumn lifted her glass, laughing at her drunken thoughts.

Ada couldn't hold back her laughter, and soon they were both giggling aimlessly. Polly stubbed her cigarette, rolling her eyes at them.

"I wish she wasn't," Ada snorted, her laughter erupting uncontrollably.

"Ada!" Polly warned, raising her eyebrow, causing Ada and Autumn to stifle their laughs.

"Oh, Pol, come on, she's robbed our Arthur of his balls," Ada rolled her eyes, settling back into her seat.

"Hope you won't take Tommy's balls" Ada winked at Autumn, ignoring her aunt's angry glare. Autumn could feel blood rushing to her cheeks at the mention of Tommy.

"No, Tommy's balls are safe, hiccup, Tommy, he is too tough and reserved to, hiccup, to let me in," Autumn slurred with a heavy tongue, attempting her best not to mix up her words.

"That he is" Polly smiles, her eyes piercing through her.

"But he's so beautiful. Truly, he is. His eyes, they're this mesmerizing blue, and he kissed me a week ago, and" Autumn paused to pour herself another drink, but her coordination betrayed her, and the liquid spilled clumsily without finding a glass. Ada gracefully took over, pouring her another glass, well aware that things were about to unravel.

Polly waited patiently for her to continue, a glimmer of satisfaction crossing her face. Autumn is finally talking. Ada, however, felt a guilt swirling inside her stomach. Despite the tension, she couldn't deny that there was something about Autumn that she liked.

"Go on, love" Polly encouraged her to continue.

"And he kissed me. And, I felt bad so I ignored him" she blurted out drunkenly before letting her head slump against the table. It suddenly became too heavy to keep up.

"Why did you feel bad?" Ada stroked her back, making her lift up her head, her eyes, red and glossy, focusing on a girl in front of her.

"I don't see it," she mumbled, blinking slowly to maintain focus on Ada, the world around her swimming in a blurry haze.

"See what?" Polly furrowed her brow in confusion. Autumn shifted her blurry gaze towards Polly, tears welling up in her eyes like unspoken secrets on the verge of revelation.

"I don't see a heartless man Polly" Autumn admitted, tears leaking down her pink cheeks.

"Autumn, why did you feel bad?"  Polly repeated her question slowly while squinting suspiciously. A nagging doubt began to creep into her head, wondering if perhaps Tommy was right about this girl.

In her drunken haze, Autumn grasped the realization that she was losing control, spilling everything uncontrollably. Alcohol clouded her mind, and it could coast Johhny's and Harry's life.

With a determined effort, she managed to kick herself into a bit of sobriety, struggling to think clearly and save the situation before it spiraled further.

"Because I killed someone" she confessed, the words escaping in a squeal as she pushed her head too harshly against the table. The unforgiving touch of the hard wood pressed against her, but embarrassment kept her from acknowledging it or lifting her gaze.

Regret washed over her as soon as the words escaped her lips, a long-guarded secret now exposed by a little alcohol on a wedding day. Was it even true, or was her mind playing tricks on her? All she could sense was the unyielding pressure of the hard table against her head, the room spinning with loud music and voices that now seemed muted and distant.

A heaviness settled in her eyes, urging her to surrender to the much needed rest.

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