One. Two. Three. Die

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The world collapsed for Anna in that moment. Distant screams of Polly and Ada echoed through the room, bouncing against the walls, but nothing felt real. Everything was surreal, walls closing in, and she couldn't focus on the words coming out of their mouths. It felt like being underwater, suffocating.

Tommy was dead.


This is it. This is the final act before I marry her and focus on the legitimate business. It's all for her. I'll carve a better life, protect her from the Italians or any other threat.

The bullets are flying around me like a vertical rain, and somehow, I'm still standing. For Anna, for Polly, for Ada, for John, for Arthur, for Finn.

Maybe I'm already shot, but my body refuses pain. Adrenaline courses through my veins, muting the chaos around me. The deafening bangs and explosions are distant echoes, drowned out by the persistent ringing in my ears. I must press on, bring it to an end.

My revolver emerges, firing the last bullet right between Lucas's eyes.

It's over. I feel nothing. My eyes grow heavy. Darkness. I embrace it. Finally, I can rest.


The confrontation with the Italians unfolded differently than expected. There were more Italians than Blinders and they were as prepared as them.

Guns, knives, explosives.

Arthur felt like he returned back to a battlefield in France, his instincts kicking in instantly.

Their original plan went out the window. Instead, they sought refuge in the alleyways, using cars and walls as makeshift shields. John and Arthur found themselves across from each other, taking turns firing shots

Curly's grenades gave them a brief advantage, but the Italians still had the upper hand.

Isaiah and Jeremiah fought bravely, taking on most of Luca's men.

Amidst the chaos, Tommy remained hidden behind a car, frozen. Confusion and concern passed between Arthur and John through exchanged looks. It was unlike him to hide. To freeze. Something must have gone wrong.

Unable to reach Tommy without getting shot, they continued firing until only three men were left standing, including Luca himself.

"Stop hiding, fight like a fucking soldier, Tommy!" Luca shouted, his laughter echoing wickedly through the alley.

John and Arthur lost sight of Isaiah and Jeremiah, unsure of their fate amidst the carnage. A glance around revealed the grim reality of the deadly game between the two families, with lifeless bodies scattered around.

"I'll count to three; you have a chance to come out and speak before I shoot your heads open," Luca continued, an evil grin etched on his face.

Arthur looked at John, mouthing, "Should we go?" with a worried expression.

John shrugged, confused. This wasn't their plan, and Tommy seemed out of sorts.




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