Get A Doctor

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Anna's eyes lit up at the sight of a majestic white horse standing gracefully. Tommy watched with a gentle smile as she dashed towards the horse, her excitement palpable in the air.

"Is this our date?" Anna called out to Tommy, her voice filled with anticipation.

Tommy's smile widened as he approached them, wordlessly expressing his affection. He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, a silent reassurance of his love. Then, to Anna's surprise, he turned and planted a kiss on the horse's muzzle.

With Tommy's help, Anna mounted the horse, feeling a surge of exhilaration as she settled into the saddle. Tommy joined her, and together they set off into the field, the horse's hooves pounding against the earth beneath them.

As they raced through the muddy terrain, laughter bubbled up from within them, mingling with the sounds of nature around them. Mud splattered around them, painting their clothes and faces with earthy hues, but they didn't care. In that moment, they were free.

For Tommy, the worries that had plagued his mind were momentarily forgotten. There was only the rush of wind against his face, the rhythm of the horse's gallop, and the warmth of Anna by his side. In this fleeting moment of bliss, life's uncertainties faded into the background.

Together, they rode on, embracing the freedom of the open field, their hearts light and spirits soaring. In each other's company, they found solace and joy, savoring the simple pleasures of the present moment. And for a while, all was right in their world.

As the horse slowed to a gentle trot, Tommy leaned closer to her ear, "Anna" he whispered gently.

"Yeah?" she replied excitedly, a big smile still stretching on her face.

"You're my everything" a weight of emotion pierced through the air. Anna's initial excitement gave way to a somber realization of the gravity of their situation.
Feeling his breath against her ear, Anna's heart ached at the vulnerability in Tommy's voice. She understood the unspoken fear lurking beneath his confession, the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"Tommy," she began, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her, "I believe in you. You're strong, and you'll overcome this."

She swallowed hard, her eyes stinging with unshed tears, but she refused to let them fall.

"I wrote a letter to my family, in case I won't make it" his voice breaking as he spoke. "it's in your drawer" he continued.

"Tommy, don't talk like that," Anna pleaded softly, her voice laced with desperation.

With a heavy sigh, Tommy continued "Anna, just do it"

"Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustle of the wind.


"You're ridiculous," Tommy chuckled, his eyes softening as he watched Anna indulge in his cake. Despite the heaviness in his heart, her laughter was like a balm to his soul.

"I know," Anna replied between mouthfuls, her cheeks flushed with mischief. "But you love me anyway, right?"

Tommy's smile widened, a mixture of affection and sadness dancing in his eyes. "More than you'll ever know," he murmured, reaching across the table to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Anna's face.

Tommy couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude for the love they shared. Despite the hardships they faced, Anna's presence filled his life with light and laughter, and for that, he would be forever grateful.

"Come on, let's go home" he reached for her coat, pulling it over her sholders when she finished a cake.

Nodding, she wrapped herself into a coat and grabbed for his hand.

Gangster's Heart // Tommy Shelby fanficWhere stories live. Discover now