Where The Fuck Is Arthur?

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Tommy awoke to an empty space on the bed next to him. Wondering where she is, he pushed himself on his elbows, ignoring a growing pain in his ribs and shoulders.

Getting up, he grabbed clothes scattered on the floor, a smug smile playing on his face as he recalled how Anna had undressed him the other night. The way she played with him and his heart. Tommy felt an unusual sense of longing when she wasn't around, so he swiftly dressed up and made his way downstairs, hoping to find her there

Walking into the kitchen, Tommy was met by Anna, casually sipping her morning tea and enjoying biscuits, surrounded by a pile of bags.

She looked up from her tea, smirking against a cup, "I packed my things" she mumbled before taking a sip.

"I see" Tommy's eyes scanned all the bags she packed. It was more than enough. He suppressed the growing excitement at the idea of having her around every day, uncertain about how to react or express his feelings.

He walked closer, giving her a gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth before stealing one of her biscuits and taking an immediate bite.

"Were you even sleeping?" he raised an eyebrow, grabbing her cup to take a sip of her tea.

"Get your own" she smacked his arm, smirk reflecting in her big brown eyes.

"Yours tastes better," he winked, placing the cup back down and taking a seat across from her. He picked up a newspaper lying on the table, scanning through it lazily.

"Finish your tea and let's get out of here" he peeked from a newspaper at her to see her lips curling into a smile as she ate her biscuit, lighting a spark of light inside his darkness.


"They know about me coming?" Anna muttered, observing Shelby's house on Watery Lane. They didn't. But Tommy knew she'd freak out if he told her, so instead, he ignored her question and held the door open for her to enter.

As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by a Polly, Ada, Finn and John, who were enjoying their breakfast. All eyes turned toward the couple standing in the doorway, bags in hand.

"Right on time it was getting borin' already" John laughed, glancing at Tommy's bruised face with a teasing grin, while Anna stood by him shyly. Ada punched him in the arm with a glare.

He rubbed his arm, wearing a furrowed brow and a pouty face in response.

"Join us" Polly gestured to the empty chairs by the table, sending a secret smirk to Tommy, who understood it immediately.

"We already ate," Tommy waved her off, taking Anna's hand in his and leading them up to his room.

"We'll sleep here?" Anna's eyes traveled from a tiny bed to Tommy and back, hoping it's just a silly joke of his.

Tommy fought against a smile, but he failed, skillfully wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. Leaning down to her cheek with a smile, he whispered, "Well, I like to have you close," and kissed her neck gently, sending butterflies right into her stomach.

Anna giggled, turning around in his hug to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. "But I need my beauty sleep," she breathed in between kisses.

"Shhh," he hushed, pressing his lips against hers more passionately, pulling her into a kiss that made him feel like a teenager again. Her soft lips, sweet tongue, and fingers on his skin caused him to grunt. Will he ever get enough of her? The butterflies in his stomach bounced around, making it hard for him to pull away and let her unpack. He knew he had to go down and talk to his family, but he wasn't ready to leave her yet.


"What's wrong with your face?" John mocked, a smirk playing on his face as he twirled a toothpick between his teeth. Ada and Polly watched Tommy with concern in their eyes, waiting for him to reply.

In a burst of anger, Tommy lunged towards John, his hand gripping the collar of his brother's shirt, yanking him forcefully, their faces inches apart. "you laughing brother? They almost fucking killed me, all because you bunch of fuckers never listen to me!" Tommy screamed in his brothers face, his eyes piercing into John's, shaking him with each enraged word.

"Where the fuck is Arthur?" Tommy pushed him back into his seat, turning away from their concerned faces. He straightened his navy blue suit, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm down.

"He's with Linda-" Polly began but stopped as soon as he turned around, anger slashing out of his wide blue eyes.

"Bring him here, let's have a family meeting" Tommy cut her off in his low cold tone, but his furrowed eyebrows and wide eyes revealed his simmering anger.

Everyone jumped up from their seats nervously, everyone except Poly. Tommy knew she saw beneath his anger but he was not in a mood for her lectures.

"Save it Pol" he mumbled as he brushed past her smirking with a cigarette between her ruby lips.


Anna rushed into Tommy's room, gently closing the door behind her to avoid making too much noise. Her heart pounded in his ears as she tried to calm her breathing. Tommy was genuinely angry. She remembered that anger from the earlier days when she met him. The conversation downstairs hadn't revealed much information, and she knew she had to find a way into their family meeting somehow.

Not long after she settled on his bed, Tommy burst into the room and took a seat next to her. His head fell into his palms, and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

Anna sat next to him, her eyes scanning him, noticing his clenched jaw and a storm brewing in his eyes. Too scared to say something, she placed her hand on his back gently, rubbing it up and down.

Tommy's expression softened under her touch.

Huffing, he turned to look into her scared eyes, "It's gonna be okay" his hand touched her cheek gently, the softness in his eyes contrasting with the coldness on his face.

Anna wasn't sure if he's trying to comfort her or himself.

"I know" she whispered, "I need to go to work now" her words coming out uncertain, her gaze searching his face for a reaction.

Tommy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, fighting against his own anger. He knew he couldn't keep her locked up in his room, but the thought of her being alone and vulnerable stirred rage inside his chest. Or perhaps it was a fear hiding behind that rage? Fear... Tommy didn't know fear.

"Okay" he pushed out, swallowing his anger, surprising even himself.

Anna became Tommy's soft spot, little did he know that it would become his biggest weakness.

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