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Anna burst into the hospital, the frantic hum of activity surroundng her. The sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air as she hurriedly navigated the labyrinthine corridors, her heart pounding with anxiety. Desperation written all over her face, she scanned each room, searching for any sign of Tommy.

The distant wail of alarms and the rhythmic beeping of machines echoed in her head, feeding into her apprehension. In the hushed whispers of nurses and the hurried footsteps of medical staff, she sought some indication of Tommy.

As she turned a corner, a group of stressed doctors caught her attention. Clustered in a somber huddle outside a surgery room, their furrowed brows and hurried exchanges painted a picture of urgency. Anna's breath caught in her throat as she approached them.

"Excuse me," she stammered, her voice cracking. "I'm looking for Thomas Shelby. Is he in there?" Dread hung in the air as she awaited their response.

An exchange of knowing glances passed between the doctors before their attention returned to Anna. A tall figure with jet-black hair and piercing gray eyes stepped forward, sizing her up with a scrutinizing gaze. 'Who's asking?' he inquired, his voice authoritative.

Anna's frustration bubbled over as she sighed. 'His fiancée,' she barked, dismissing the gasps and whispers that rippled through the nurses in the background.

The handsome doctor gave her a subtle nod, signaling her to follow him. Anna complied, eager for more privacy and information.

In his office, he gestured towards a seat in front of his desk. 'Take a seat, Mrs...?' he prompted, his office bathed in the soft glow of the desk lamp. As they settled into the chairs, he opened a file, the rustle of papers breaking the silence

"Thompon" she stated.

Doctor continued to read a file with a raised eyebrows. Unlike others, he wasn't scared or nervous. Having a most notorious gang leader in a hospital was a big deal, everyone was scared and careful. Thomas Shelby had become the hospital's most significant patient, receiving a level of care that even kings might envy. The doctors and nurses worked diligently, aware that the Shelby family's influence could sway the hospital's fate with a single gesture

But Doctor Martin, the head doctor, didn't falter at the mere mention of the Shelby name. Confidence and professionalism radiated from him, his dark grey eyes mirroring a blend of knowledge and empathy.

"Your fiancé found himself in a truly dangerous situation. Fortunately, the bullets missed vital organs," he conveyed, closing the file with pursed lips.

Anna's heart raced, fearing its audible thumping might betray her. "Is he going to make it?" she whispered, her eyes pleading for the answer she desperately wanted to hear.

Clearing his throat, he took a deep breath, his expression remaining stern. "We've done everything in our power; now we have to wait," he explained, raising an eyebrow, his lips forming a straight line.

An unspoken weight lingered in the air, and Anna sensed something unsaid, a tension that stabbed at her.

"What is it?" Anna asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You're a young, beautiful lady. I don't understand why you're wasting your time with a man like that. I get it, Thomas Shelby is a handsome man, but the danger is not worth it," he asserted, concern now evident in his penetrating grey eyes.

Not believing her ears, she rose aggressively, staring down at him with fury in her brown eyes. How dare he intrude on her private life? It's none of his business. "Can I see him?" she spat, ignoring his rude intervention and glaring a hole into him.

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