I'm Going To Marry Her

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Anna pulled at the rope, the burn on her wrists intensifying. Footsteps are approaching her, and she jerked, pushing through the sharp pain.

"Who are you?" her scream is echoing through an empty space.

Approaching from every concealed corner, the footsteps intensified, and Anna scanned the room with frantic desperation, but all she could see was darkness.

"You killed me!" Johnny's voice echoed from the abyss, each repetition more distant, haunting the darkness.

Anna struggled to rise, the rope cruelly tethering her to the cold ground. "Johnny!" Her desperate cry echoed, tears tracing a path down her cheeks.

"Murderer, murderer!" Harry's voice pierced the air, a haunting scream echoing through her mind like a relentless nightmare.



Tommy paced the kitchen, unraveling the recent events involving Anna and outlining the plan he'd crafted in his mind to his family. "We need more men and—"

A dreadful scream from upstairs shattered the air, halting his explanation. His gaze shot towards the upper floor, a mix of confusion and concern etched across his face. The entire family joined in following his bewildered gaze, uncertainty clouding the room as they tried to discern the source of the unsettling sound.

Another scream echoed, and Tommy raced up the stairs, sprinting straight to his room where Anna slept. With a forceful push, he swung the door open, heart pounding in his throat. In that fleeting moment, the worst scenarios flooded his mind - did Italians enter their house and attack her? Or was it someone else attacking her?

A sigh of relief escaped Tommy's lips as he discovered her sleeping in his bed. Sweat dripped down her forehead, tears staining her cheeks. Still panting from the shock, he hurried to her side, grabbing her shoulder and shaking her gently.

"Anna," he whispered, "It's okay, just a bad dream." His fingers stroked her sweaty hair, and he watched as she jolted awake with a gasp, hands pressed against her chest, catching her breath.

"Shhh," Tommy whispered, pulling her into a comforting hug, enfolding her in his strong arms like a protective shield. She rested her head against his chest, tears flowing freely.

Tommy felt a sense of helplessness, unsure of how to ease her distress. Calming her wasn't his forte, but the sound of her crying tugged at his heart. He was willing to kill for single tear of hers, yet expressing compassion was a real challenge to him.

The heart in Tommy's chest thumped like a storm, and his mouth felt dry as he mustered the courage to speak the words hanging in the air. "I love you," he pushed out through a knot in his throat, wrestling with unfamiliar emotions.

Those three words lifted her gaze, and she locked her deep brown eyes with his, a soft smile gracing her face. It was the first time he said that to her like this, on his own.

"I love you too" she whispered, her soft gaze still piercing him, radiating a love that sent butterflies swirling in Tommy's stomach.

Clearing his throat, he attempted to push away the vulnerability, to mask his feelings. The impact she had on him with such simple words was astonishing, even embarrassing

Thomas Shelby being in love.

As crazy as it sounded to him, it was the truth and it was growing more apparent with each passing moment.

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