Be Careful

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Anna woke up with a blush on her face as she remembered the last night. Tommy now held her deepest secret, and to her surprise, he accepted it without judgment. The weight she had carried for years seemed to lift, leaving her feeling lighter. But her smile faded as image of Johhny's dissapointed face creeped into her thoughts.

Ah Johhny. If he saw the way they looked at each other with Tommy. The way they touched. Anna hated herself for having these weird feelings for Tommy and betraying Johhny like that. Deep down she knew that Tommy stirred mix of emotions she never felt before, with him, she felt free, she didn't need to hide her real self. Yet, the biggest irony was, that she still had to keep secrets about aligning with his enemies.
A sigh escaped her lips as she rubbed her face with her palms.

Her life had spiraled out of control and it was impossible to stop now.


"Anastasia Abington, a daughter of Rufus and Abigail Abington. Born and raised in Cambridge. She died at the age of 14 in a fire along with her parents," Arthur read from the notes he had compiled during his research on Anna.

"Bloody hell," Polly spat out.

"Fuck," John sighed, dropping his toothpick on a table.

"She wasn't lying," Tommy muttered under his breath.

Ada swiftly grabbed a glass of whiskey, pushing it toward Tommy, who sat next to her. "That fucking bastard, hope he's rotting in hell," she mumbled as she watched Tommy angrily grab the glass and down its contents.

"Hell." Tommy scoffed in frustration.


It was a rainy morning like usual. Anna couldn't recall the last time she saw the sun out here in Birmingham. She got ready quickly, ignoring the throbbing headache, a reminder for her to never ever drink that much again.

As she stepped out of her house, Anna's eyes caught two men standing across the street. They watched her, indifferent to the heavy rain soaking them. Italians, she huffed, waving at them with a sarcastic smile. No reaction. They remained motionless, their gaze fixed on her as she made her way toward the Garrison.

"Morning!" she screamed into the empty pub as she walked inside. No sign of Harry or the usual drunks. She hurried to the back, checking if he was caught up in some work, but there was no one

"Harry!" she shouted, the echo of her voice bouncing off the empty walls. The silence that followed fueled the rapid beating of her heart, and her hands trembled. Anxiety gripped her as she feared the worst, they found out about yesterday and they took Harry and Johnny. 

Anna ran hastily around the empty pub, checking every corner in a state of panic. Bursting into the private lounge, she looked around anxiously, her breath silencing the surroundings. A little scrap of paper laid in the middle of the table, waiting for her.

She grabbed it quickly, crumpling it in her shaky hands.

Meet me by a cut

She knew it. They had taken Harry, and Johnny was likely in their grasp too. Without hesitation, she ran out, grabbing her coat and hat, ignoring the tears welling in her eyes.

The rain continued to pour, mingling with the tears on her face. She didn't care; she wanted to get there as soon as possible. Hoping to find them alive, not discarded in the cut, she ran despite her heels slipping on the wet cobblestones. She couldn't afford to fall. She couldn't let them die.

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