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Authors note- Hi if you've already read my other story World behind my wall I hope you enjoy this one if you enjoyed the other one, i'm super excited to write this one, i'll add visuals and songs to my chapters most of the time and yeah hope you enjoy😁

The time is set in August of 2007

Context: Violet is fresh to town she's lived in Berlin for all of her life but she's moved to a different part. She has a steady relationship with her Mom but has no recollection of her dad it doesn't bother her that much though, with her being 16 she struggles with herself mentally she's finding it hard to hold on, she on the search for a reason to live, a reason to stay

Bill however holds a burden in his chest, he's a vampire, but it wasn't always like this he too used to have a pulse, Bill and his brother both hold the similarities with being twins same goes for what they are truly. But with Bill this goes deeper for him, what more is there to Bill besides the fact he's a vampire? What more is he hiding?



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Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now