her last breath

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(This chapter is going to be Bill looking back into the past with some flashbacks included)



Me and Elora met the day Tom brought her home for the first time, I knew who she was she was the girl in my English class who always kept to herself, quiet, pretty really the only time I'd ever hear her talk was with Taylor.

We didn't start talking till a week after they started dating, I'm guessing it was because she was shy or something it only started as small talk till we became friends.

we had similar tastes in music and with other things. So it wasn't that hard to keep a conversation going on between us.

I remember the day she found out about me and Tom. Well, she only knew Tom was a vampire at the time she didn't know I was too. The day after she found out about Tom she carried on as usual she wasn't scared or surprised unless she was just trying to hide it.

"Something on your mind Elora?" I asked

startled she flinched at my voice "No nothing"

I noticed how she was wearing a turtle neck I opened my mouth up again to speak "Did it hurt? "

"You know..?" She says shocked as her eyes widen

I smile "You know me and Tom are twins right?"

"Yeah?" She says confused

"I'm a vampire as well Elora"

the conversation that day continued as usual after that we didn't talk much of it afterwards or even ever.

one night while we were studying together I left to go downstairs when I came back I saw that Elora had found my stash.


"Oh- uh yeah I don't do it often though mainly because it gives me headaches" I chuckle as she stares off into the box

"Can I try?" She asked

I nod "Do you know how?"

"No" She sighed

After helping her out a bit I smoke beside her, it took me a shit ton to get high due to the fact I was a vampire I made that very clear to her just to make sure she wouldn't try to take in the same amount as me.


not a week later was she nagging me about having something from my stash

"come on bill-"

"No! It's my money if you want it that badly go out and get it yourself here I have their numbers" I say back

she walks off calmly after that


a month later I noticed how addicted she was getting, but it was already too late she was too far from recovery.

"Elora please- listen it's affecting Tom as well that you're even doing this! All I'm asking is for you to calm down with it"

"If it's that much of a problem why did you show it to me!" she yelled back

I didn't mean to Elora, did I destroy you? Were you the first person I killed? I believe so even if it isn't the truth even if I didn't intend for any of this to happen it still did.


It's currently 9 pm Elora had just left me and Tom's house, Tom yelled at me a couple of hours earlier for giving her some of my weed, though in reality I didn't she found it herself and then stole it so I'm kind of pissed at her but concerned at the same time

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now