pink box

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                             BILLS POV

We both walk while using our ability so we don't appear to anyone till we get to the forest, so silent we'll be that our steps won't even leave a trace.

we get into the forest and see the others of our kind appear.

"You think they left some for us?" I whisper

"Doubt it" Tom sighs

I cross my arms annoyed and hungry as me and Tom countine searching for food

"Never mind " he smirked

we follow the trace of two girls who looked way older than us.

Me and Tom look at each other before grabbing them. They shrieked at the sight of us

"Shut up! I'm not going to kill you" Tom muttered to the black-haired one

I didn't say a word to mine I just smiled at her while she cried, I bit down on her before Tom bit down on his

she winced in pain from each taste I got, "Please I don't want to die like this"

I take a second to breathe before saying, "I'm not going to kill you, you'll be fine tomorrow"

"It hurts though, please!" she pleaded

"Aw- that's too bad, it'll be over soon hang on!" I smile as I continue feeding on her I stop right as she passes out in my arms. I watch as Tom finishes his.

"Ok Tom stop yours is passed out now"

I pull him off the girl as he's brought back to reality.

"Do we just leave them here again?" I say

"They'll get killed out here," Tom says as he looks at the black-haired one

"Where else do we keep them then?" I look at him confused as to why he even cared that much he never did

"We can stay here invisible until they regain consciousness, they won't remember any of this anyway"

"Tom! It's a school night I'm tired" I groaned

"Not like we need sleep to survive anyway" he shrugged

me and tom sit on top of a tree waiting for the sun to rise, we vanish as the sun arrives and the girls gain consciousness

"What happened?" The blonde one said rubbing her neck

the mark I left is gone, it was never going to be permanent in the end, like I said before we weren't going to leave any trace

"I think we got drunk I feel so hangover" The black hair girl responds

"Let's get back before the others worry" The blonde hair one said


I look at Tom as he watches the black hair girl walk away I giggle as he lets out a small smile

"You like her?" I say teasing him

"No, food isn't something we fall in love with, take that in mind Bill ," he says as he nudges my shoulder

like if he hasn't had a human girlfriend, of course though it didn't end well.

"Come on let's get to school" I yawn

"Why don't we just skip? It's not like moms in town" he smirks

"And what would we do" I reply

he shrugs"You can go but I'm skipping"

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now