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I watched as the emo walked back into class he didn't seem as angry anymore which was good I guess but what had that even been about?

"So do you know what you wanna do for the project-"

he cuts me off "Don't talk to me"

"This is for a grade ya know.." I say back

"Don't fucking speak to me!" his voice raised as the whole class turned back to us to see what all the commotion was about

For the rest of class he sat at his desk with his head down as I did the project, Why was he being so mean to me? What the fuck did I do to him? whatever

once it was passing period Andrea approached me

"Do you and Bill have any past drama or something?"

"Bill..? Oh the emo guy, no I don't know why he got so mad at me for" I shrugged

"Yeah it's really weird he's usually really nice, I heard one time he saved a little girl from a car crash"


At lunch, my whole friend group gossiped and once Andrea brought up what Bill said to me the whole table froze




"Guys it isn't that big of a deal he might just not like me"

Liliana takes a bite of her rice crispy "Okay yeah but the thing is you guys have never interacted it makes no sense for such a kind person like Bill to be that mean"

Bill...Bill Kaulitz a 6'4 boy with spikey hair, who is known to be nice but yet so mean to me? Who was he exactly?

"Anyway what time do we meet up at the party" Andrea asks

out of nowhere, Taylor appears "9:30 we'll leave at 4 am"

"Violet are you going your boyfriend is performing"


and again out of nowhere, Mailbox Boy appears

"Taylor come on Gustav needs your help with math"

"Hold on and what exactly am I getting from this?" Taylor pouts

"60 bucks"

"Fine, well see y'all at the party " Taylor smiles before heading back to her table


School was finally over I started to make my way home, I was excited for tonight it would be one of my first high school parties.

I still had no idea what I wanted to wear but I could figure something out


Me and Bill walk home in silence before Bill says "So how exactly will you keep Taylor's mouth shut? That was a close call for you in lunch"

"I'll be able to do it, Bill"

Bill rolls his eyes "Whatever just don't mess up the songs tonight"


It was 9 as I heard the sounds of hairspray filling bills bathroom and music blasting throughout our house with the scent of my cologne only adding to the scent around the house I went over to see Bill

"What..?" He turns over to look at me

"Hurry up"

I look at his outfit he has a chain scarf with a white T-shirt and some jeans instead of his hair being everywhere he has it straightened.

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now