Because I saw a different person

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I could no longer sit at Bill's lunch table now for obvious reasons and when I passed Georg, Gustav, and Tom in the hallway they all gave me stares

except for Taylor and her friend group but since Taylor sat at Bill's table I just sat with her other friends at a different table

this should all pass over soon and then me and Bill will probably be friends again, right?

or not either way he was becoming weird, I can't explain it he scared me almost, yeah it's off because if you knew Bill you would know he's bubbly he could never hurt a fly, and mainly because he's terrified of bugs, but then again why am I assuming? We've only known each other for about a month, his other friends and his brother know more than me

I need to stop thinking about I swear!


It's been a week since me and Bill broke up I haven't seen him at all not even his room lights are on, I know I shouldn't worry, and I know it's none of my business but come on something could've happened to him.

During the first period, Tom sat quietly writing down notes, I should ask him

"Hey, Tom?"

He picks his head up from the paper to look at me as he says " What's up?"

It's as if he already knew what I was going to say " Uhm how's Bill, I haven't seen him in a week"

"He's fine don't worry about it"

I turned back to the front of the class, but that didn't help now I'm more worried.

I should ask Taylor


"Yeah it's weird I guess" She shrugged

"But- what he did something to himself," I say back

"Come on! It's Bill Kaulitz you talking about he wouldn't do that"

once me and Taylor stop talking I head to the bathroom stall

as I let a blade glide through my wrist, It reminded me I was still alive, warm blood

I clean myself up, Just like how Bill did for me, before heading out of school

I didn't go straight home instead I went to the library I sat in the corner chair for about 5 hours reading a book before they closed

the time was now 10 pm

as I get close to home I see Bill walking to the woods, I secretly follow him making sure my footsteps are quiet, No words could describe how much I wanted to run up to him and cry while I apologize, no that would be embarrassing, either way, I wanted to see if he was still fucking with the same chick

when we enter the woods I feel him walking quieter than me, we walk for about 10 minutes in a circle almost, I swear he was so quiet you couldn't even hear his breathing

he stands still I hide behind a tree as I watch him run up to a girl.

the fuck?

I watch as he harshly pins her to a tree and starts getting onto her neck. That can't be Bill he's too gentle to hurt someone...

But it was and I hated that, The closer I looked I realized there was blood, and the longer I stayed I realized he was sucking her blood

No.. fuck no! Gosh, I must be on something right now.

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now