Your Scars

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I didn't even beat him up that badly! Why is he such a baby, when a vampire runs low on blood or loses a lot of blood they fall into a fainting spell to keep them alive it hasn't happened to me before but Tom has dealt with some.

Though even if it sounds bad I'm glad he was knocked out, he wasnt able to get onto Violet's neck but now I have to find a way to keep them apart or to convince Tom somehow that I'm perfectly fine.

Violet rushes from the kitchen to the living room where Tom is laid down on a sofa.

"He'll be alright Violet," I say hiding my jealousy

"No look he has a fever!" She says as she feels his forehead up close

"Okay then...there!" I laugh as I put an ice pack in his mouth

"Bill! He's going to get even more sick"

Why did she care so much? Why hasn't she treated me like that? Tom better wake up

as she inspects Tom I come in behind her " Okay that's enough he isn't 2 he'll manage, let's leave him alone yeah?"

She looks at me confused but follows me up to my room," Are you sure it's safe to leave him by himself?"

It was starting to irritate me the more she mentioned my brother

"He'll be fine"


Why was he so mad that I was worried about his brother? Was he actually jealous right now? He's the one who caused this upon Tom, I'm not a bad girlfriend for worrying about the well-being of someone especially someone who helped me out yesterday

I looked up at Bill to see him pouting and rolling his eyes as we walked up to his room

It was frustrating me because he never wants to talk either I swear if the reason he's been ignoring me is because of him being jealous...

"Bill what's your problem," I say immediately getting his attention

"What..?" He says confused

"You've been acting so weird, I mean you've been ghosting me-"

"Violet I was sick."

"Bullshit" I chucked causing his facial expression to show frustration

"Why were you even fighting your brother? Are you violent? Do you hit women? do you take your anger out on people?"

He looked out of words from what I said

"Violet" I mimicked him before he could say my name

His arms showed confusion as he had them up " No what honestly i don't have to tell you everything in my life!"

"So you don't trust me?" I reply

He groans," No.."

I walk out his room door to see Tom awake on the sofa watching survival

he didn't say a word to me as I walked out


I could hear Bill yelling from his house


"That's why you guys would never work, we hold too many secrets if you tell her one the rest just slip out" Tom explained

He has a point but I'm still drawn to the idea of having her to myself, no matter what happens and no matter what it takes

we weren't going to be in a steady or healthy relationship because of the secrets I hold in my chest they'll naturally pull her away from me, but I'll always pull her closer to me no matter the consequence

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now