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                                BILLS POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him again, and this time Tom does too fear in his eyes but in mine anger could only be shown in mine, seeking revenge every single second while Tom seeks peace.

"Bill? It's time to decide" The bad man smiled

"Decide what Bill? What is he talking about?" Tom blurted out looking towards me in a concerned way.

"Take my ability or I take something of yours..." He smirked with a cruel expression

"And what's that exactly? What will you take?" I say back no fear just revenge, revenge

The bad man only just smiled as he spoke in such a calm tone I felt the bones in my body burning with revenge " One eye, I've been wanting one for a while now Bill Kaulitz you know that blow you did too my head that did really did fuck me up you owe me"

Should I have felt fear? If I were to take his ability I would have power over everyone no one could stop me, and if he's giving me his ability what will happen to him? Is his offering his suicide

"And what'll happen to you if I do agree"

He keeps fucking smiling I wanted to skin him alive every single time he speaks

"I would die obviously"

He pulls out a small simple knife "You see this? This is a good ole vampire killer I should've used it on the both of you but it would've been such a waste"

"Bill if you agree I'll hand this to you and you can stab me as many ever times you want, I know what you want You want revenge, You want to inflict all the pain I've given you all these years and I'll let you just say the word and it's your power bill imagine it"

"Take my eye and leave Bill alone," Tom says without zero hesitation

"Don't you see? You're useless to me, Give me your eye and I'll throw it out. Bill though he's perfect no sense of empathy for his victims as he watches other vampires shred them to pieces"

"You Tom you are a disgrace to vampires, so gentle so kind you don't deserve to even be called one let alone be one" He adds

Tom looked over at me

"So what do you say, Bill? I know you want to kill me you won't only be seeking revenge for yourself but you'll be seeking revenge for Tom and Taylor isn't that what you want?"

"Bill...." Tom shivers my name

"Take my eye" I say

The bad man's smirk turned into a cruel frown had it been the disappointment washing over his body.

"Fine then I'll have your brother watch as well" He chuckled

The second I blinked we were in the deep dark woods again by the same pond where he had taken my life against the same tree as well

It was as if Tom was frozen he couldn't move even if he wanted to he couldn't speak he could only see and hear, that was definitely an ability I didn't know the bad man had

"Now Bill take your eye out and give it to me since your so desperate not to seek revenge"

But can't you see? Revenge is only coming closer to you the longer you live my revenge will never leave me i'll kill you one day, I'm sure if I said this to him he would stab me in the heart or some shit like that.

I stood staring at him, was this actually happening to me? Will I be giving him my eye I considered taking the ability but as similar as I was to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I gave anyone else my curse, especially Violet... Violet, what will happen when she sees me? Will she be disgusted? Will she still long for me as she has recently?

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now