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                             VIOLETS POV

My body feels rejuvenated as I get up from my bed, I didn't have any memory loss so I remember everything clearly, and so I remember the fact that he was able to knock me unconscious with just a slight gentle touch.

it scared me honestly not me being scared of him but I was scared for him, he didn't seem lost yet he didn't seem like he had a clue of what he was doing and that's what bothered me

I look at the alarm it's 6 am on a school day, He told me not to tell a soul so I guess I'll have to keep my word I don't try for school today I throw on a shirt with flared jeans and a puffer coat over the entire outfit as I reach for my backpack. We met in the late summer it's now winter the season that confirms the death of summer a blossoming season. I walk out of the house and immediately snow gets into my hair.

I noticed Tom hasn't left the house yet... does he know? It's better to stay safe and not say a word to him as well I suppose.

his footsteps are still there on the driveway to my house I recognize it because of the size of the footprint I quickly brush it away before finally taking off to school.

I walk into class avoiding eye contact with anyone especially Taylor and her entire friend group I don't know who likes me and who doesn't at this point.

my head is lying on my desk my grades are dropping they have been beside Bill I've been worried for my mom this town is a curse a curse that I wish could disappear is that so bad to wish for..?

everything aches I just have to get this over with. It's a couple of class periods into school when I see Tom eye me we accidentally make eye contact and that's when he approaches me.

"Have you seen Bill?" He asked

I knew this would happen but the question to me almost seems unexpected even though it is not. It is very expected


He grabs me by the arm gently but strong enough to where I can't do much about it we end up in a secluded spot in the school I see Taylor there as well.

"What's going on?" I asked though I knew what was happening with Bill I knew everything at least I think I do

"I know you don't want to believe us Violet but Bill is dangerous and he's running away and who knows how many people he could harm in his current state" Taylor explained

Tom is looking down agreeing with what Taylor is saying with slight nods.

"Stop sugarcoating it so much Taylor" Tom scowled

he looks at me putting his hands on my shoulders "He's a murder biting down on innocent people's necks the last time we spoke to him he was talking about killing someone else that's why it matters that you tell us the truth"

I want to deny it but I can't keep doing it, I want to deny that he's a bad person because in truth that's not the Bill I know he's the kindest person and the only person who's ever shown me that kind of comfort. Yet he's cruel to the eyes of others a monster to whoever he decides to kill that's if he does I still don't believe it though.

"I told you I don't know anything" I replied

Taylor and Tom looked at each other slightly nodding.

"Do you still love him?" Taylor asked

I hadn't always been the type of person to wish harm towards someone but right now I wanted to drag her to the ground by her blonde locks.


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