and I feel fear towards you now

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                           BILLS POV

"Come on you're acting as if you didn't do the same!"  I yelled to Tom as he stood with an expression of judgment and disappointment.

"Elora asked me, you forced Violet, She's afraid of you Bill admit it. I'll take care of her, her body is already stressed enough, for all, she knows I'm just a human with a vampire twin brother"

I walk into my room, not too far from the doorway in case he does something


I wake up to the feeling of a cold hand feeling my forehead, Tom

I felt a rush of relief knowing it wasn't Bill, but instead his brother

"You're awake" He smiled

"Is Bill home?" I asked looking around

"No, he's gone for now rest for a bit yeah?"

"Oh ok.."

"Why are you asking?" he asks


What if Tom doesn't know, I can't tell him unless he's also a vampire, no because he doesn't look pale unlike Bill he's got color to him

"we've broken up," I say a minute later

"Oh!" he replies

Bill walks down the stairs, I get up from the couch and leave the house

he might be nice to me now, but what'll happen when he attacks me like how he did to the girl?

I rushed to my bathroom to look at the bite, it was bruised, bloody, and still had his marks.

I shiver at the memory of how he bit down on me and the feeling of blood being sucked out of my body

I sat against my bed for the rest of the night, not even doing anything I only needed time to process what just happened.

Who I saw in the woods wasn't Bill, It was someone else, but could his mask have fallen? Could the cruel Bill be the real him?

I wish I knew more but if I keep up wanting to find out more and more about him my curiosity will end up being the death of me,

I go downstairs to watch as my mom drinks on the couch, she's been so depressed ever since Blake left, I could care less about him, but I'm worried about my mom

I grab a box of sugar cookies before heading upstairs to my room, I eat them all as I watch a movie trying to distract myself from everything honestly, while I stuff my face to run from my emotions, yet I'll always run into him

I paused my movie for a second hearing a muffled voice from next door.

"Ich lös' mich langsam auf Halt mich nich' mehr aus Ich krieg dich einfach nich' mehr aus mir raus Egal wo du bist, komm und rette mich"

"No Tom wrong cord!" Bill yelled

"You sing I play worry about yourself" he yelled back

I open my window a bit to listen to him sing,

"Draußen hängt der Himmel schief Und an der Wand dein Abschiedsbrief Ich bin nich' ich wenn du nich' bei mir bist, will ich nicht mehr sein"

Tom could play well, and Bill... he had a pretty voice

"Right we can show this to Gustav and Georg then we'll upload it on YouTube"

were they a band? whatever was none of my business, I checked to see my mark still there, and from a distance, it looked like a hickey

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now