Goodbye, Violet

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(This is how Bill looks like in this chapter besides his left eye)

TW//SENSITIVE TOPICS                                (This is how Bill looks like in this chapter besides his left eye)

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                             BILLS POV

I stay laying on this shower floor for about 5 minutes as I continue to dig deeply at my shoulders I look down to see my blood mixing with the water and a stinging sensation going along with it.

I shouldn't be doing this, I get up and turn off the shower before getting out of it I look at myself through the fogged bathroom mirror my head reaches towards it wiping it back in forth then there I get a good look at myself.. my bloodied fingertips and my bloodied shoulder this is annoying

I grab the nearest towel and put it over myself as I wash my hands it's dumb to feel so sad when I know I have everything going my way yet I feel so incomplete and so scared

my wet hair and body drip water onto the bathroom tiles I groan with annoyance as I quickly head to my room to put clothes on

I don't know if I should be staying here anymore I don't know if I can talk to anyone anymore will they try to hurt me? Violet? would she side with Taylor and Tom? I can't bear pretending to be a human anymore a 16-year-old boy going to school, and attending parties I hate every second of it I'm not human I will live for an entirety my body will soon stop aging physically once I finish puberty and then from there I'll just be growing in numbers

so, do I leave or stay? where do I go even my thoughts pile up as I grab a bag. I'm done with this there's no point in me even going to school for what? I won't ever have a good contribution to this world, society whatever the fuck it's called. If they want to view me as the pure embodiment of hatred then so be it

but I'm tired... so... so tired of faking this all it's all bullshit to me. the first backpack is full my school supplies are dumped on the floor to make room for my clothes, makeup anything I won't be able to afford soon.

I have enough things now the Skittles she gave me stay on my dresser Tom can take them for all I care.

I take off all the posters from my wall ripping them in the process and remnant of my personality to be destroyed in this room as it's what I'm leaving. The longer I stay here the more I'll be forced to hurt others. I walk out of my bedroom my back turned against it I'm no longer looking back.


                            TOMS POV

I come back home making my way up the stairs the house is quiet if I were still human I'm pretty sure the only thing that could be heard would be my breathing but not the case the only thing you can hear is footsteps.

I didn't leave Bill's door closed when I left. I lean my ear against the door I can't hear anything that's normal though because he's unconscious. My cold hand reaches for the cold doorknob twisting it slowly my eyes widened.. what happened...

I make my way carefully into his room posters ripped, his figurines broken on the floor, his books ripped, glass on the floor from a broken foldable mirror... Anything that I knew about my younger brother is gone his character gone.. an unopened bag of Skittles is the only thing that remains untouched

I walk into the bathroom it's wet and humid on the floor there's clear blood splatters nothing extreme but... I look at the shower blood inside the shower wall his blood

where had he gone??

I look to the ground where blood remains his blood, my tears drip into the blood mixing them into the blood

                            VIOLETS POV

I hear a knock on my door my mom isn't supposed to be home till 11 pm it's 9 pm I walk down the stairs and quickly looking through the peephole I see Bill his hair is wet, and he's not wearing any makeup.

"Why didn't you go through the window?"

he doesn't say anything he just smiles at me.

"Bill? Hello?"

he cups my face before picking me up so I would reach his height he starts kissing me. After a few seconds, he pulls away still holding me up in his arms before he speaks

"If anyone asks about me do not answer them Violet understand..?"

"Huh I don't understand what's going on Bill??" I ask frantically

he shakes his head still smiling so calmly "Violet just listen..please love" he says shushing me with his index finger ever so slightly

"Are you leaving? where?" I look at him my glossy eyes locking in with his brown eyes- wait...

the entire time Bill had his hair out his face I hadn't been so blind this entire time, haven't I? His left eye is gone his eyelid is what remains of it.

"no... but... I'm removing myself from this place you'll be the only one who knows I'm not dead isn't that cool? oh.. violet don't cry" He softly smiles

"I don't get it Bill why-" my words couldn't form I was tasting my tears.

his skinny frame, his eye bags, his wet black hair, and old eyeliner that remains stuck on his eyes but it's very faint to see you would have to be up close to him to see it like how am I... like how I'm close to him

He shrugs so calmly at this point it was making me mad it was straying away from the fact that I also just found out about his eye I have so many things to ask yet here he is with his dumb smile.

"Stop! Stop... you're not telling me anything I mean- Bill..." I gesture to his left eye

His expression changes he looks startled for a second before saying "I lost it" he shrugs again

I look at him with an angered expression as I try to get him to put me down

"Fine then if you want to know then I'll tell you Violet someone forced me to gauge it out with my bare hands"

My face dropped how could he be so calm about it?? he nuzzled his face into my neck his muffled words spoke

"See that's why I don't like telling you everything, besides my eye that's not what I came for so like I was saying isn't goodbye I'll try to see you as much as I can but please... please love don't tell anyone about me for all they care I've gone missing"

I clung on tighter to him in hopes he would just leave with me in his arms I couldn't trust a word he said, that he would "try to see me" I didn't believe it so I knew the second I let him walk through that door it's our goodbye...


Tears came from my eyes My broken voice speaking to him "Bill.."

he lets me cry into him I look up to see his expressionless face gone rather now he's crying as well..

"I'm sorry for this.." He mumbled before putting his hand over my forehead causing me to fall unconscious

"Goodbye, Violet"

Right before my eyes close I see him gazing upon me his tears falling to my face... I'd never seen him cry like this and one last thing

I never got to say goodbye back...


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