bloody snow

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                             BILLS POV

How can I lose myself again? I died the night I was struck with the monster's venom

I remember it all too well

I was 12 years old at the time me and Tom had just moved to this town to escape all the bullying, our new home was close to the woods me and him would go from time to time climb trees and throw pebbles into the pond

I was 12 years old at the time me and Tom had just moved to this town to escape all the bullying, our new home was close to the woods me and him would go from time to time climb trees and throw pebbles into the pond

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I guess that night Tom snuck out I followed him without him knowing, and out of nowhere he vanished


"Tom? Tom!"

where had he gone? he was in my sight how could someone just disappear, what the fuck do I do? Mom will be mad we snuck out

I looked everywhere until I could hear my mom yell me and Toms name, what would I say to her? I can't go back without Tom

he has to be here somewhere
After 2 hours my mom came rushing into the woods right as she saw me crying

"Bill? Where's Tom"

"I don't know" I cried and cried as she panicked and called the cops

the next day I skipped school, my momma still had work so she wouldn't know

Where could he have gone? He would never leave without me, is he angry? This can't be real I must be dreaming and when I wake up I'll get up from bed turn to my right, walk into his room, and see him in bed playing video games

it has to happen

I raced through those dark cold woods in the midst of the blizzard, even when my hands had no feelings when I could no longer feel my face or my feet I walked and walked searching for him because I would not go back home if he was not walking through the front door with me like how we always do

There stood a pond empty of human presence still but not frozen, and there stood Tom still but not frozen


He turned back to me looking frightened, why?

He rushed up to me his hands felt cold he looked sick "Let's get back home-" he cut me off

"Bill, you can't be here, leave before it gets you-"

"What do you mean? Mom waiting for you to come home"

"Bill leave! don't look back, don't face these woods, run!" he pushes me away

"I'm not leaving you here!" I yell back

"It's too late for me, I'm gone Bill I can't go back" he cried


He can't be I'm seeing him, am I seeing his ghost- he's playing with me like how he usually does, I don't understand what's happening

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now