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I watched Violet walk into class, freshly done makeup, styled hair, and a cozy outfit neitherless she looked unbothered with the situation she's currently in. We make eye contact and I greet her with a simple wave as she sits next to me

I see her mindlessly staring off into nothing smiling for a moment.

"Hey uh, Violet..?"

she turns her head to me "Huh?"

"Are you alright you know Bill.."

"What about him?" she replied

"Nothing forget it" I smiled

Later during lunch, I decided to sit with my friends this time. I couldn't bear sitting next to a murder I looked over to see where Violet was and there she was sitting at their table, She was beside Bill they were talking so causally. Bill smiling so innocently like how he's always had yet I know the truth, she doesn't

I leave the lunchroom after, I couldn't tell if I was mad or scared of Bill I lean against a locker as I hear footsteps approach along with the sound of baggy jeans moving, Tom approaching me

As I get up from my spot he speaks "Wait, Taylor"

"Are you really going to let them happen?" I snapped back

"I've tried everything but that's not important right now"

"Yes, the fuck it is!" I say back

Tom covered his face as his hand scrunched his forehead slowly as he leaned on a locker beside me he slowly let his body fall. When he did reach the floor his knees were tucked into his face like a lost kid.

"What," I said

he spoke in an out-of-breath way "Elora"

"she's gone Tom what about her?"

he shook his head

"She's become one of us"

"Where is she, Tom?" I asked

"Let me speak for once! I don't know where she is, she attacked Violet so I had no choice but to bring her to Bill and somehow my ability vanished after that bite because now Violet remembers everything, remembers who Bill is, all those memories I never planned for any of this it's all become a mess and I know this will end terribly. Eloras pissed at Bill and she's pissed at me for not doing anything but realistically what can I do? Fuck and who knows if she's killing our entire town right now as we speak"

I find myself on the floor right beside him with my knees tucked in now

"Just- do me a favor and put some sense into Violet, you are her friend right..?" he mumbled

I nodded slightly before getting up and leaving him by himself

                               VIOLETS POV

Before I got the chance to step into my 7th-period class Taylor stopped me.

"Hey let's skip come on!" She smiled

And before I could even speak she rushed me to the bathroom putting us both into a big stall.

"I never said yes" I sighed

"That's not important"

I looked at her confused, she went from being bubbly to this much colder look


"You do know that Bill is.."

I nodded before she could continue

" What exactly about him do you find attractive Violet, like come on he doesn't have a heart he's cold to the touch he's not even human!" she whispered

She didn't let me speak she covered my mouth with her hand as she continued on "He's a monster, Violet he's killed who knows if he'll kill you too one day, that's why I'm telling you this I care about you a lot I can't lose another friend please violet listen to me, leave Bill"

she removed her hand from my mouth finally allowing me to talk but to be honest I only needed to say one word "No"

Taylor's face dropped at my response

"The same mouth he's kissed you with is the same one he's used to kill"

"He doesn't kill"

"Are you blind? He's a vampire who mysteriously gets rid of whoever burdens you what about that can you not put together?"

I walk away from her not saying a word it's all a lie every single word that came out of her mouth because she doesn't know Bill like how I do he's vulnerable in my arms unable to harm anyone so no I won't leave him.

I decided to hide somewhere in the school since it would be dumb for me to go to class 15 minutes late.


I turn around to see Bill carrying a box of school supplies

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Art teacher wanted help decluttering her room so I offered to help mainly because I wanted to skip class but what are you doing?"


"WOW I didn't know my girlfriend could be sooo rebellious"

"shut up," I say as I roll my eyes

"Come on follow me it's boring doing this by myself," he said

when I follow him I can't help but remember what Taylor was saying earlier, and yet the more I'm with him the more her lie doesn't make sense Bill is too kind to Kill.

                            TAYLORS POV

"So..?" Tom asked

I shook my head "I tried"

and there he was again with a lost expression I like to believe that in these situations Tom would know what to do considering I would always rely on him in the messiest situations but this is different, death is involved, and not only is he lost but so am I

"I know who Bill is after I don't think she has much more time left... oh and I'm talking about Elora, not Violet. I- don't know Taylor I can't lose her again but would it be for the best?"

the bell rang and we both stood awkwardly before Tom sighed saying "I'm going to class goodbye"

I didn't respond I only starred as he walked away and soon I made my way to the last class of the day, when I walked in Bill looked at me, and since we
were lab partners I had to sit right next to him

"why'd you tell her Taylor?" he said quietly

his composure was pushing me to the edge" She has every right to know" I replied

he shook his head and went on to write the assignment while I stood in my seat looking down at my lap, could Bill kill me? He isn't heartless but am I also wrong about that as well

"I'm not a bad person Taylor I have had reasons to "

I cut him off " You're disgusting! You're still doing it either way that doesn't just wash away what you've done"

I turn to him and suddenly something is off about him, I stare off into his left eye and that's when I feel him kick me slightly under my chair before turning away.

"No wait"

"You know what I can do so I swear if you tell her any more about me, what is a secret stays a secret does she even know you are not human as well? Or should I be the one to tell her?"

"Should I be the one to tell her that her boyfriend only has one eye?"

he smiled softly "Tell her"

that left me frozen with fear but I couldn't show it if I did it would only make himself feel better.

he's gone he's lost

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now