True Heartbeats

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                        VIOLETS POV

Bill went down the window first then he helped me down. Once we were in his room I felt relieved to be away from Blake.

my heart skips a beat when I hear him calling my name from my room I immediately get away from bills window

"Ay, you boy!" Blake says drunkenly to Bill

"You know where Violet is? I bet you do!"

"She's at school," He says back annoyed

Even from over here could I hear Blake's footsteps, The lie was fake it was Sunday we didn't have school but Blake didn't know that.

"I'm just so sick of him," I said as I cried into my knees

Bill sits beside me

"I'll do whatever I can to help" He muttered

                             BILLS POV

she's been crying way more recently.

even when I'm not there most of the time she's just been crying

"Let's go downstairs I can make you something," I said to her while she leaned against my shoulder

"But isn't Tom home? I don't think he likes me that much" She let out a small smile

"He won't care either way it isn't his house" I reply

I follow in her steps as she goes down the stairs.

Once we get to the kitchen I look at her as she looks nervous "So what would you like I'm a pro chef I'm practically Gordon Ramsey " I say trying to break the nerves she had

"Uhm I don't know," She said back

"Come on you don't have one favorite food?"

"Uhm I don't know." she shrugs

"How about~ Buttered noodles? I'm really good"

"If you want to, I don't want to burden you"

"I love cooking plus I love-"

Fuck what was I saying, I prayed that she didn't hear the last words.

"I'm not really that hungry I ate an hour ago" She looks down while fidgeting with her fingers


I thought to myself, she had just woken up she was in my bed an hour ago. I wasn't going to push the topic anymore though she was already uncomfortable

I pause looking around the house before saying "Let's watch a movie yeah?"

                         VIOLETS POV

I watch as he runs to the DVD shelf beside his TV
he puts on a movie and sits on the couch

I sit beside him, not too close though, I feel butterflies as I watch how his eyes look so focused, and not a minute later I catch myself looking at his lips

what the fuck! I can't already have a crush on him, it isn't bad it's not like it would be forbidden he would be a good boyfriend too...But no I can't like him it would make things awkward between us, Plus what if the girl I saw at the lunch table was his girlfriend? Should I even be here right now?


I think to myself as I feel my head pounding, I lay my head on the top of the couch. Closing my eyes

I turned to Bill who was looking down at his nails as I asked "Where's the bathroom?"

"To the left"

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now