Rette mich

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I felt a cold breeze around me the entire time, I cried to myself for the whole walk until I reached my house as I tried to go back up to my window I saw Blake taking out the trash

I looked at the driveway to see my mom's car gone, my heart didn't drop I wasn't any more nervous or sad than I was before I saw him, I just had to accept it, and accept what happens next

"Hi Violet," He says leaning up close to me

"You've been a burden to your mom, She hasn't been wanting to let me inside her"

but I'm still scared, I'm scared to death right now

"Let's go inside"

"No" I yell

He growls before grabbing both of my wrists and shoving me through the doorway I fell to the floor, and as I tried to pick myself up I felt his body weight on me

"you've left me so angry, you owe me this " he shouted

After a long 15 minutes of suffering it was over

if only my life ended in those 15 minutes

if only Bill came in those 15 minutes because where was he when I needed him to save me

He grabbed me by my shirt before saying "I'll kill you, I'll have someone hunt you down and Kill you if you tell a single soul got it?"

I could only nod my face was full of tears

I lock my door as I turn the shower knob, but nothing will ever wash this off


I did my best to pry him off but this time he had his eyes closed it was like he knew I would be there, how can someone be so cruel to someone so sweet?

I couldn't save her

I can only now prevent this

Blake takes a walk outside to cool off, I appear to him

"You again! You know don't you, what I did to that slut! I'm going to kill-"

I grabbed him and rushed him to the woods

"Fucking shit!" He shouted he failed to hit me

I wasn't going to bite him, that would be after his death, I wanted him to feel his death every second of it

I grabbed the knife and stabbed it into his hand as it pierced through

"What are you saw? What's the game?" He pleaded

"You're not taking me seriously are you" I mumbled under my breath

I stab out his right eye as he shrieks I cover his mouth

"one last thing " I grinned

I stab his dick 15 times before cutting it off

"Shit! shit! shit!" he cried

he had no strength to run anymore so I watched as he cried and pleaded for me to help him, It was tempting to just bite into him but that would be for the end

I lick his blood from my fingers as he watched

As his heartbeat reached his lowest I feasted on him biting his head, He screamed before I shoved a knife down his throat causing him to breathe even more slowly and he stayed conscious

I drain him from all his blood, he's finally dead

"Bill pst bill? You don't eat them apart right?" A vampire says behind me

"Have him all yours, eat to the last bit-"

He quickly devoured the monster in under a minute, "Thanks" I smiled

I walk over to the pond and wash my hands and face off, I look into it throwing a rock

I put my feet in and looked around the woods it was quiet that night usually you can hear the screams of the vampire's victims


I look down to the water to see Elora

"Save me, please! help me, help me"

I blinked and she vanished

I head back home after that


I stepped out of the shower and changed, I brushed my hair looking at my reflection

I hear my mom's car pull up.

"Violet! Blake! I'm home!"

his name gives me goosebumps



"Violet where did Blake go?"

"I was in the shower I don't know" I respond

I lay on my bed and tried to go to sleep, I couldn't though eventually I was able to


Bill walked in not saying a word to me he reeked of someone else's blood.

"Where did you go?" I said jokingly

He shrugged

"Bill? Where?" this time I was more serious

"I went over to get food in the plaza"

"You smell like blood," I say as I get closer to him

"I fell"

"It smells like the neighbor next door, what's his name.... oh right Blake."

that's when Bill pushed me to the ground," Shut up!" he yelled

"Shut up! Shut up!"

No vampire ever smells of blood unless one thing, they murdered

"You killed Blake"

"Tom- I listen I had a reasonable reason"

"I know you did, but what about the women you killed a week ago?"

his face dropped

"you've only now started ever since you MET Violet, I can't imagine how it would be if you guys ever tried to keep this going, it's not going to end up well Bill"

"I know what I'm doing! I'm getting better now believe me!" he yells back

"Bullshit" I muttered under my breath
"Bill I'll have to do it before you end up killing her"

"!" he shook my shoulders

If my fangs hit the Anterior jugular vein of someone's neck my bite can give them amnesia of what I desire, I could easily use it for my advantage but I'm not like Bill, I can't imagine what it would be like if he had what I had.

"You're turning into a monster Bill, how long will it be till you Kill her? Trust me it's for the better," I say as I start walking over to Violet's house

Bill grabs me by the shoulder bringing me to the ground, I grab him by his upper arm and push him to a wall as I run to her house.

Bill hits me in the back of the head I groan as I punch him in the face, then we start to fight

"Bill stop!"

Violet screamed as Bill and I continued to fight each other


I let go of Bill as he stumbled back

I left his face bloodied my face didn't show for any of his hits but my body sure did especially my chest and arms I could feel the scraps and bruises already.

it was the perfect time all I needed to do was bring her into our house and it would be over in a minute before Bill could even stop

that's all I have to do

all I have to.....

"Fuck....!" Bill groaned in annoyance

the last thing I heard before things went dark

Reminiscence - Bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now