Chapter 13

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Diana didn't know how long she'd been on the bed, a minute, an hour. It didn't matter, she'd stopped crying and now she was in a state of shock. She'd been too busy staring at her feet to notice Robert walk in.

She didn't speak as he came and knelt down in front of her, grabbing her chin and lifting her face up to look at her. A single tear fell from her eyes, Robert brushed it off her face and took her into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have walked out like that." He pulled back to look at her face, he felt awful for upsetting her but how could he have been so stupid. They've only just met for crying out loud. "I don't have any STI's if you've been wondering, I'm just not ready for a child. It's a big commitment and we hardly know each other." Diana nodded, she felt the same.

"I don't think I could be pregnant, I'm due to get my period in a few days. Also I'm clean so you don't have to worry either." Diana saw the relief sweep across his face.

"Ok, we just need to be more careful. I'm a doctor I should have known better." He shook his head, a small laugh escaping his mouth.

Diana stood, looking down at the stain in the carpet. Sighing she went to get a cloth to clean it, why did he have to be goddamn attractive she thought as she scrubbed the floor. Useless this stain was now imbedded into the carpet, if she wanted to get it out she'd have to hire someone.

"I probably should have cleaned that, I was serious about buying you a new carpet though." He stood, smirking at her, she couldn't help but smile back at him.

"I'm famished, would you like some dinner?" As she spoke she felt her chest get heavy, her breathing shallowed.

"Diana get in bed, all this 'exercise' can't have done your chest much good. I'll go whip us something up to eat." Picking her up Robert placed her onto the bed, throwing the tv remote at her as he walked downstairs.

Half an hour later, he reentered the bedroom with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Rob placed it on her lap and went back to grab his own plate. Digging in to the meal Diana couldn't help but shovel the food into her mouth. It was so good.

"Don't forget to breathe, eating like that I'm not surprised you have a bad chest, you're lucky you didn't inhale a meatball." Diana felt her cheek flush as rob laughed at her.

"Sorry it was just so good and I haven't eaten much." Rob nodded, still laughing at the image of her practically inhaling the food.

As he finished eating, Roberts phone went off in his pocket. Reading the name of the caller, his face turned cold and his jaw stiffened.

"I have to go. Sorry Diana." He grabbed his jacket from the end of the bed and left.

No kiss goodbye, no 'I'll see you later'. Stunned Diana lay there, wondering who had rang him for him to fly out the door like a bat out of hell.

She didn't have long to think about it as she fell into a heavy sleep. The events of the past few hours finally getting on top of her.

Hi guys, I have decided to edit the later chapters of this story. Sorry this is a really short chapter but it's necessary for the next part of the story!

What do you think is going on with the phone call Robert got?

Thank you again for reading! ☺️💕

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