Chapter 9

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As Diana arrived back home she couldn't help but think of her date with Robert. She hadn't been looking for a relationship with anyone, she was perfectly happy alone but he seemed to of changed her mind. Could there be a future with this man or was it just a fling?

She had no idea what to wear, all her clothes were practical and sensible. She didn't know how to dress sexy or even be sexy.

"I'm totally screwed." She thought out loud.

Diana raced up the stairs to find Something suitable to wear for tonight. Oh screw suitable she thought, she's going all out for this hot, sexy, God of a man. She entered her bedroom and searched her underwear draw for her favourite lacy set. When she had her baby pink and cream underwear picked out she began looking for a dress.

Diana had practically pulled out all her clothes when she spotted a red dress in the back of her wardrobe. It still had all the tags on it, she remembered buying it for her anniversary with her ex but never got the chance to wear it. It was a red and fitted with silver lines on it. With her outfit planned it was time for her to get in the shower.

When she finally got out the shower she changed into her underwear and put some pjs on while she did her hair and makeup. She decided on minimal eye makeup with some dark eyeliner on her top lid and a light red/pink lipstick.

She parted her hair into a deep side parting with loose curls around her face. When she was done she put her dress and heels on ready for Robert to pick her up.

Glancing at the clock she realised she had about twenty minutes before Robert would be here, so she decided to have a cup of green tea to calm her nerves. She wasn't always a big fan of green tea but one day someone had suggested trying honey with it which makes it so much better.

Sitting down at her little island she sipped her tea thinking of how tonight would go. They'd have a bit of small talk, have some nice food and then maybe go back the his or hers if the night went smoothly. She was in the middle of daydreaming when a knock on the door startled her out of her thoughts.

"Hey." She said opening the door to reveal a smart dressed Robert. He was wearing dark stone washed jeans, a grey shirt, black suit jacket with black dress shoes.

" look breathtaking." Robert said taking her hand as they walked to his car.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." She winked at him which made him chuckle.

Diana started to fidget in the car as she waited for Robert to get in, did she smell nice? Was the cut on her leg she acquired from shaving, noticeable? She began to sweat a little too, making her lift her arms up to check she wasn't soaking her dress.

"Diana, what are you doing?" Robert clearly confused as to why she was looking at her armpits. A light blush spread across her cheeks as she put her arms back down.

"I...I-I..uh I thought I had something stuck to my armpit." Diana mentally slapped herself. Seriously ' I thought I had something stuck to my armpit' she could use a drink right about now.

"Oh-Kay. Let's get going shall we?" Robert shrugged off the whole armpit incident and decided to leave her be. He didn't want to mess up his chances with her, especially with her looking like she did tonight.

"Yes, let's. Where are we off to?" She asked straightening out her dress. She should of ironed it before she left.

"We are off to a lovely little Italian called the Latino Lounge. It's a bit out of town but it's worth the drive, they have the best bruschetta and the lasagne is too die for." Diana could see Roberts eyes light up as her spoke about the restaurant, he must really like his food. Maybe she should make him a meal one evening.

"It sounds amazing, I can't wait." Robert smiled at her and grabbed her small hand in his large one and placed it on his lap. She blushed a little at first but soon relaxed into his touch.

After a while they pulled up outside the Latino lounge, it's was a small building. Very quaint and cosy. Robert got out of the car first and came around to help Diana get out, she thanked him with a small smile as they both walked hand in hand into the restaurant.

"Hello, welcome to the Latino lounge" A young Italian man said from behind a counter.

"Hi, reservation for Robert." Robert said to the man.

"Ahh, yes. Right this way please, we saved the best table for you. Very romantic." The man said with a wink, Robert laughed at the man while Diana just blushed.

"A waiter will be over with you very shortly, can I get you some drinks in the mean time?" He asked as they both sat down and took their coats off.

"I'll have a glass of white wine please." Diana smiled at the man and waited for Robert to order his, he ordered a glass of diet coke as he was driving.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" Robert couldn't keep his eyes off her, with he deep brown hair falling and framing her face in loose curls, he plumb lips covered in pink lip gloss made them look delectable. Her figure hugging dress made her curves look delicious. He wanted to feel every curve, every part of her body until she begged for him to take her.

"Yes, thank you. Now stop you're making me blush like a teenager." She joked and he chuckled back at her.

"I like your blush, it's cute. Makes you look innocent, but I bet you're not all the innocent." He said with a smirk plastered on his face, yet again Diana blushed and Robert brought his hand up to her face, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"Hi, my name is Maria and I'll be your waitress tonight. What can I get for you?" Maria said, she was a short woman, looked like she was in her late twenties with long black curly hair.

Robert seemed to know more about the restaurant so he had offered to order for her. She couldn't help but smile as he did, she could get used to this. Robert ordered himself a lasagne and Diana the spaghetti and meatballs.

"This food is amazing." Diana moaned as she brought a mouthful of spaghetti in her mouth.

"The view is pretty amazing too." Robert glanced at her lips noticing she had a bit of sauce on the corner of her lips. He reached out and wiped her mouth with his finger, bringing it into his mouth. "Delicious." He said looking into her eyes, the sexual tension was at a high and Diana's nether regions where doing a little dance.

"That was lovely Robert. The best meal I've had in a long time, actually I think that's the best meal I've ever had." Diana said in the car as they where driving back to town.

"It was my pleasure, Diana." He turned to look at her and brought her hand up for a kiss.

Once they pulled up outside, Robert turned the car off and walked her back to her house.

"Thanks again Robert, I've had a lovely night." She glanced up at him, ready to turn around and unlock her door.

"Do I not get a goodnight kiss?" Robert asked, a cute boyish smile on his face.

He didn't give her time to answer as her pulled her to him and cupped her face, his lips touched hers gently at first then he grew hungry for more of her. He wanted to feel every part of her mouth, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and gently tugged making her gasp as he took this opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth. Breathless they both pulled away.

"I should probably go inside now. Care for a night cap?" She said a smile of her face, she really wished he'd come in.

"I wish I could, but I have an early morning." He said, Diana felt a little saddened and her smile faded.

"Oh okay. Next time then." Diana turned around and tried to unlock the door as fast as possible.

"Hey, you don't know how badly I want to come in. Honestly I'm thinking about calling in sick just to be with you but it's really important. We can have lunch tomorrow?" He said cupping her face, and Giving her a quick peck.

"Yeah, I'd like that." She said and gave him one last kiss before she walked into the house and shut her door.

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