Chapter 5

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Diana couldn't believe what had just happened only moments ago. He kissed her and she kissed him. The passion she felt when she was with him was driving her insane. It had been a while since Diana had been with a man but she's never felt weak at the knees by a kiss.

Diana turned to her mother to see her winking at her, she blushed a bright shade of red and covered her face whilst laughing. Diana had been caught once before by her mother, but it had been more than just kissing she'd been doing.

"Why are you always here when I'm doing something?" Diana asked her mother as she chuckled.

"He's a hottie, I don't believe I've ever seen you smile for so long over a guy." Her mother mentioned, she had a point Diana's smile hadn't faded since he kissed her cheek goodbye.

"Well it's late and I should get some sleep, you too. We've got a busy day tomorrow." She said taking the box off her mother as she walked her to the door.

"Alright, night dear." She kissed her cheek and gave her a hug before locking the door.

Diana made her way upstairs to her bedroom and stripped down out of her clothes grabbing a sheer teddy off the hanger in her wardrobe. She always had a thing for wearing sexy nightwear. She entered the bathroom cleaning her face and brushing her teeth. Once Diana had finished getting ready for bed she grabbed her phone looking through her mail when she received a message from an unknown number.

'I had a great time tonight, hope to see you tomorrow - Robert'

Diana couldn't help the smile that found it's way into her face as she read the text message. She saved his number and sent a text of her own back.

'Me too, my mother says you're a hottie. Goodnight Dr.Collins - Diana'

Once she'd sent the message she climbed into bed and began to dream of a Very hot doctor who she might just be falling for.

Morning soon arrived and Diana was about to leave the house for work, she looked down at her outfit and began to wonder if she should change. She'd dressed in a tight pastel pink pencil skirt with a pale blue blouse and heels. She wasn't usually this dressy for work but she knew she'd see a certain someone and she couldn't help but want to impress them.

Before she could decide against it she locked the door and got in her car. Once she arrived at work she could see it was already busy. Diana usually opened the shop but she asked Emily as she needed a bit of a lye in after last nights events.

She made her way to the back of the shop greeting a few costumers on her way and grabbed an apron, ready to start work.

"You can work the register today, you look to damn hot to ruin that outfit." Emily said to her winking.

"I've got so much to make though, I knew I shouldn't of worn this today." Diana scolded herself for wanting to look good. It was that mans fault the one who was making her act like a school girl with a crush.

"I'll help make the food you just go look pretty." Her friend said shooing her to the register.

A few hours past and soon it was lunch hour, it was usually the busiest hour but it was quiet so far. Just as Diana had sat down to have a cup of coffee and a cupcake Robert walked in wearing black slacks and a white dress shirt. She couldn't take her eyes off him, heat pooled in her stomach and she wanted to rip those clothes clean of him. Noticing Diana was sat down he decided to take a seat across from her.

"You look very beautiful today Diana, not trying to impress anyone are you?" He asked smirking, the old Robert is back the one she met at the doctors office.

"No I thought I'd look girly for once, nobody to impress around here." She said looking straight into his eyes. They stayed like that for a while, slowly moving closer until they were about an inch or two away from kissing.

"If you're going to do that go get a room." Emily shouted and headed back to the kitchen laughing.

"Anyway, what can I do for you Robert?" She asked standing up and smoothing out her skirt. Roberts eyes trailed the length of her body approving of the outfit she was wearing.

"I'll have some chocolate cake and a cup of coffee please, oh and how's your chest feeling today? Any pains, breathlessness?" He asks going into doctor mode.

"No I feel fine so far, no pains yet. Here you go that'll be five dollars please." She said hanging him the bag and cup of coffee.

"Well that's good, remember you have a check up next week." He said handing her the money. Diana had completely forgotten about her check up.

"Yes, I remember." Diana came around the counter to go and fix the sign that had been knocked over by a group of kids.

"Well I'll see you tonight then." He said and followed her out the shop. Just as Diana bent over to pick the sign up Robert walked straight into her holding her hips to his groin. A low moan came from his throat and Diana gasped.

"Diana don't move, or I'll take you right here." He said and she went stiff. She could feel his manhood pressed against her ass and she wish she wasn't wearing these clothes anymore.

Roberts pulled away from her and fixed his little problem whilst Diana turned around with a bright pink face. She stood there biting her lip and looking up at him waiting for him to say something. He moved close enough so that he could pull her lip from her teeth and caressed her cheek.

"Don't do that, it makes me want to bite your lip and take you." He said staring into her eyes, he looked like he was having a battle with himself and Diana couldn't help but reach up and kiss him.

He gladly returned the kiss deepening it and biting her lip causing her to gasp and he took this opportunity to push his tongue into her mouth. They stood outside kissing for a while before they both became breathless and needed air. Robert rested his head on hers while they got their breath back.

"I can't help myself when I'm around you, I've never acted like this before." Diana said truthfully looking up at him.

"Neither have I, it's like I can't get enough of you." He replies looking down at her lips once more. He softly pecks her lips and pulls away from her.

"I should be getting back to work, I'll pick you up at seven, be ready." He said kissing her once more and walking to his car.

Diana walked back into the shop with the biggest smile on her face. She couldn't wait for tonight.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. That was so hot. If you don't sleep with him I will." Her friend Emily said making them both laugh.

"He's going to be the death of me one day." Diana said walking back to the table she'd been sat at.

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