Chapter 8

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When they arrived at the diner, they both entered and took a seat next to the window.

"Have you ever been here before?" Robert asked picking up a menu off the table.

"I used to work here actually, but that was when I was in high school." She picked up her menu even though she already knew what she wanted, she wanted to see if there was anything new on the menu.

"So what do you suggest?" Robert closed his menu and placed it back on the table.

"I'm going to order the classic burger with fries and onion rings Ooo and a chocolate milkshake. The steak is to die for, it has some secret sauce on it that nobody but the owners are allowed to know the recipe to." Diana to placed her menu back on the table and looked at Robert.

"Well I guess I'm trying the steak." They both chuckled as they waited to be served.

"Hiya, I'm cara. I'll be your server today, what can I get you guys?" Cara asked in a sickly sweet voice, Diana hadn't seen her around so she was guessing she's new here.

"Hi, we shall take a classic burger meal, a chocolate milkshake, the steak supreme meal and a coffee please." Robert said smiling at the waitress who seemed to be in a trance. Diana knew Robert had that affect on people.

"Alrighty guys, I'll be back with ya food soon." She winked at Robert and swayed her hips more than necessary, Diana just laughed and turned back to Robert.

"What's so funny?" Robert had a confused look on his face but Diana just smiled.

"It seems everyone's got the hots for you today." She said with a little smirk.

"Don't get me started, that's the third time it's happened today." Robert said checking the time on his watch, it read 13:20pm which means he only had about 40 minutes left.

"What do you mean? It's only happened twice." Robert seemed to sift uncomfortably at Diana's question.

"This morning at work, after my morning appointments the new temp receptionist came in for an examination, said she had some kind of rash. She took her clothes off and tried to seduce me, I ran out of there as fast as I could not before I explained I didn't want anything more than a professional relationship with her though." A wave of jealously rushed over Diana as she imagined Robert with the receptionist.

Diana had feelings towards the man she had known for only two days, it was mad. They didn't get off to a good start but ever since that accident she couldn't stop thinking about him. When he walked into a room he grabbed the attention. Women would gaze at his beauty and men scowled in jealousy.

"Oh, what an eventful day it's been for you." Diana said, both of them laughed a little. The tension disappearing until they were sat in a comfortable silence.

"Here's your meals, I hope you enjoy." The waitress - Cara said as she laid the plates and drinks in front of them.

"Thanks." Robert replied, smiling lightly at her. Cara blushed a light shade of red and gave him a toothy smile of her own before walking off, swaying her hips again.

"Do you really not know what affects you have of women?" Diana asked slightly laughing as she picked up her knife cutting her burger in half.

"Honestly, there's only one woman's affect that I care about." Robert said staring into Diana's eyes, she blushed slightly understanding that her meant her.

It warmed her heart and sent a welcoming feeling through her body. She smiled at him before taking a bite of her burger, moaning in pure delight. She opened her eyes, that had seemed to of closed as she moaned and looked at Roberts now dark blue eyes. His gaze was almost burning a hole through her.

"Diana, you have no idea how sexy that was, how sexy you are." Robert picked up some steak, not once breaking eye contact and placed it into his mouth before a groan escaped the back of his throat.

"It's good isn't it?" Diana managed to say as she was still in shock after his confession. She'd never been told she was sexy or beautiful but he'd said both to her in the same day.

"Good doesn't even describe it, it's amazing." He said placing another piece of steak into his mouth.

For the rest of meal they just talked and demolished their food. When it was time to leave Robert had paid and left a very generous tip.

"I better be getting back to work, I'll drop you back off at the bakery." Robert said as he started the ignition and drove to Diana's bakery.

"Thank you for lunch, it was lovely." Diana thanked Robert as she got out the car to go to the bakery.

Robert got out of the car and ran over to where Diana was walking.

"Hey, you forgetting something?" Robert said as he grabbed her arm turning her around.

"No, I've got the padlock right here." She said clearly confused at what he was talking about.

Robert just chuckled as his hand went around her waist and the other went to the side of her face, caressing it lightly.

"I want a kiss goodbye, silly." Robert said as he dipped his head down and lightly kissed her.

Diana was a little taken back but soon kissed him but eagerly, he bit her lip causing her to gasp. He took his chance and gently his tongue stroked hers, he felt like velvet and tasted like special steak sauce from lunch. Roberts hand had found it's way into her hair and began tugging lightly so that he had more access to her mouth.

"" Was all Diana managed to say as Robert hushed her up by kissing her more vigorously. Her tongue fighting for dominance with his but eventually he won and she gladly let him dominate her mouth.

After a few minutes of him dominating her mouth he began to slow down and kiss her gently before pulling away altogether and pecking her one last time.

"Do you still want to go out tonight?" Robert asked gazing down at her.

"I'd love to but I'm paying." Diana said as she pecked him again leaving him before he had a chance to argue.

"Fine but I'm picking you up, be ready for seven." He shouted making Diana giggle.

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