Chapter 3

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The rest of the day went fairly slow for Diana, she couldn't get Robert out of her mind. He had a way of making her nervous and uncomfortable in her skin but she also felt safe and warm around him. Diana had never really been one to get nervous around guys, she'd had her fair share of one night stands when she was in college. All that was over now though, she'd soon met someone in her last year of college. Obviously she fell head over heels for him, he was tall, dark and handsome, he had a bad boy reputation.

She hated thinking about that asshole, Tyler. Even his name made her want to jump off a cliff. He'd made her life a living hell, she lost all of her friends because of him. After they broke up and she was left broken and in pieces they said 'we told you so' walked out and left her crying on the floor of her apartment.

Diana was interrupted from her thoughts as her phone rang. She picked it up looking at the caller I.D, it was Emily her friend who worked at the bakery with her.

"What now Emmy?" Diana half chuckled into the phone, Emily usually texted her. The only time she rang was in emergencies or when she wanted something.

"You know because you love me and I'm the best friend in the whole, wide world. Would you please come to Martins with me tonight?" Emily begged down the phone, Diana let out a loud sigh. She didn't really like that place, especially Stacy. They both went to school together, Stacy was the schools bitch and Diana was her target.

"But you know how I feel about that place! And the thing that works there!" Diana practically shouted down the phone.

"Aww, please Diana. I will do anything you want for a week, I really want to go there to see this guy." Of course there was a guy involved she thought.

"Oh for goodness sake. Fine! But you owe me big time lady." Diana huffed into the phone, already regretting her decision.

"Yay! Love you D!" She ended the call and made her way to the front of the shop to lock up. Her phone beeped signalling she had a message.

Emily - 'I'll pick you up at 7, love ya xx'

It was already half six, meaning she had about half an hour to be ready. She drove home as quickly as she could, dropped her bag and keys at the door and ran to her bedroom.

She picked out a simple black bodycon dress, with gold heels and a gold clutch bag. Diana applied light smokey eye shadow and black eyeliner, and applied some rose pink lip gloss to her full plush lips. When she was ready she texted Emily and waited in the front room. She had quite a good complexion which meant she didn't need an awful lot of foundation or powder.

Emily was here ten minutes later, making it 7:15pm when they set off for the bar. Diana was looking out the window when she realised she'd forgotten to do her hair. She pulled the mirror down, took her hair out the ponytail it had just been in and ruffled it up at bit.

"Diana you didn't need to do that, your hair looked fine." Emily said to Diana shaking her head.

"It's all messy from work, I needed to do something plus I want it down for once." She said pushing a stray piece of her brunette hair away, her hair wasn't long, but it wasn't short either. It came to about the middle of her back, and made her blue eyes stand out. She had brunette hair but you'd think it was black at first until you took a good look.

"We're here, how's about I get us a table and you get us the drinks? I'll have a vodka and coke please." Emily said getting out of her red Mini Cooper. Diana knew she had done that on purpose so she had to see Stacy the slut.

"You really do owe me, big time!" She said walking in with her best friend, she looked around noticing a few of her customers and a few people that went to her high school.

Diana started to make her way over to the bar when she noticed him sitting there, drinking some whisky with a man she'd never seen before. He was cute, blonde hair, blue eyes. He had nothing on Robert though, he was in a navy blue dress shirt and black trailered pants. She'd reached the bar now seeing that he'd noticed her and he gave her that sexy smile of his. His eyes trailed along her body, over her curves and back up the her face his eye lingering there for a while before he spoke.

"4 times in one day, it must be fate." He said that signature smirk making it's way over his face. His friend just stared at her chest area, typical man.

"Nice to see you too, Robert." She said trying to sound seductive, it obviously worked since he shifted uncomfortably like something was bothering him, something hard maybe she thought. She blushed at light pink, why she'd thought of that she had no idea.

"You're blushing, Diana." He said his voice husky, she liked how her name rolled off his tongue. It was defiantly a turn on, heat pooled between her thighs making her feel very hot and bothered. "something wrong Diana?" He asked his smirk growing wider.

"Not at all, so what brings you here?" She looked towards his friend, noticing he wasn't the slightest bit interested in anything they were talking about, he was too busy staring at Stacy's ass.

"Came here for a drink with my buddy Kyle, Kyle this is Diana Middleton my patient. She also owns the small bakery in town, by the way that Apple pie was the best thing I've ever eaten." He said smiling at her, she smiled back at him.

"Hi, nice to meet you." She said shaking Kyle's hand. He pulled her close enough so his ear was near her mouth.

"You want to get out of here?" He whispered, what an ass she thought.

"I just got here, I'd like to have a drink thanks. Why don't you find some other girl to hump and dump." She smiled and sat down at the bar.

"Rob, I like this girl. She's a keeper, don't screw this up." He got up patting Robert on the back and walked over to a group of women.

"Sorry about him, he's got this issue where his mouth doesn't connect to his brain." Robert said both of them chuckled.

"Oh, hi Diana. You've put some weight on since I last saw you. What are you now an 8?" Stacy asked her making Diana very angry, but she bit her tongue and smiled at her.

"I'm an 8, I have been since school you know that. I guess my boobs and ass just got bigger, better for the guys I suppose. They like a girl with something to grab when they're fucking them from behind." Diana smirked when her face dropped and Robert spat his drink onto the counter.

"Fuck." He hissed shifting in his seat.

"I'll have 2 vodka and cokes and 2 shots of tequila please." She said smiling at Stacy. Stacy just walked off still shocked at what she'd just said to her.

"Robert is something wrong?" Diana asked smirking at him slightly.

"I've never heard a woman talk so dirty in my life. That was refreshing, hilarious and very, very hot." He said.

"Would you like to join me and my friend, since yours ditched you?" She said flirtatiously with a sudden surge of confidence. He smirked at her then took another sip of his drink.

Stacy came back with a tray of drinks looking between Diana and Robert, the smile fell from her face as she saw them flirting.

"I'd love too, Diana." He said both of them grabbing the tray of drinks Stacy brought back and heading over to where Emily was sat with some guy.

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