Chapter 2

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Diana had made it to work in under twenty minutes. She owned the local bakery with her mother. They had named it 'The Cake Room'. The bakery was originally her mother, May's, but it became too much for her to handle, so she became a partner.

"Hey, Dave, nice to see you, did you try the red velvet cake yet?" She asked her regular. Dave was here everyday to buy a cupcake or a cookie of some sort. She knew he was only in here everyday to flirt with her mother.

"I sure did, it was divine! I'll be off now, have a good day ladies." With that he was gone, Diana made her way to the back and put her baby blue apron on.

"Hey, sweetheart, how'd the doctors appointment go?" Her mother asked whilst rolling out a piece of dough.

"It went okay, nothing to worry about. I have a new doctor." She said weighing out some ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.

"What happened to Dr.Rhodes?" May asked, placing the rolling pin down and wiping her hands on her apron.

"She retired, guess she'd gotten too old for the job." Diana said mixing up the batter.

"Oh, well I'll have to send her a gift basket or something, she was a lovely lady. Who's your new doctor then?" Her mother said, putting the pie in the oven.

"Dr.Collins, he's an okay guy, I suppose. Very handsome, but seems like the arrogant 'I know I'm hot and girls want to bang me type'." She said, tasting some of the cookie mix, perfect as always.

"Oh my, does someone have a thing for their doctor?" May joked, and tied her apron up on the rack.

"No, he's just hot." Diana quickly places the cookies into the oven, tied her apron up and walked out front, seeing her friend Emily working the cash register.

"Hey Emmy, been busy this morning?" Diana asked whilst sorting out the Oreo cupcakes.

"Yes, you should of seen what I had to deal with. You know Miss Myers? That old lady who lives on Blakedon Avenue?" Diana nodded her head for her to continue. "Well she smacked and nearly broke that delivery guy, Peter's nose for walking into her when it was an accident. I'm telling you she's bloody terrifying." Emily said both of them laughing.

Diana made extra cakes, cookies and pies for lunch as that was the busiest time of the day. She came into the front of the bakery carrying two trays with hot cookies and cakes on them. She was about to put them on the counter when she walked into a hard object, fell backwards and dropped the tray of baked goods on the floor.

"Well you really are a clumsy one aren't you?" A deep husky voice chuckled, Diana looked up to see the handsome man in front of her. Of course it had to be Robert. She grabbed his hand he held out for her and he pulled her up in one swift movement, tingles shot through her body from his touch.

"Whenever you are around I seem to have an accident." Diana looked at the now ruined baked food on the floor, great she thought, now she would have to make more before rush hour began.

"You should watch where you're going, maybe you'd stop walking into things and have less accidents." Robert smirked at her making her blush a light pink colour.

"It wasn't my fault you hit me with your door, then you stood right in front of me knowing full well I would fall and drop the trays" She tried to keep calm but this man made her angry, which in turn made her want to jump him. Oh angry sex with him would be delicious. She blushed at the thought of his naked body.

"You're cute when you're angry, so you work here?" He asked a smile on his face. Diana smiled back not being able to control it.

"Me and my mother own it, was there something you wanted?" She asked going to the counter telling Emily to go make more food for lunch.

"Impressive, it's a cute bakery. What would you suggest I try?" He asked looking into her eyes.

"Well, we have some delicious peanut butter brownies?" She offered him.

"Ah, I'm allergic to peanuts. Anything else?" He said, she looked down into the counter finding something else.

"What about a blueberry muffin?" She asked again.

"I don't like blueberries." He looked at her with an apologetic look on his face.

"What about apple pie?" She asked again hoping he would at least like it.

"Apple pie sounds great." He said with a broad smile on his face. She cut a slice and placed it in a box, handing it to him.

"That'll be $4.50 please." He handed her a five dollar bill.

"Keep the change, have a nice day, Diana." He took the box and walked out, leaving Diana a lovely view of his behind.


Robert walked to his Jeep Grand Cherokee and drove to his office. Once there, he grabbed the box with his apple pie and walked into his office, digging into the pastry. He'd nearly finished when a loud knock on his door forced him to drop the fork.

"Enter." He said in his professional voice.

"Hey man, how goes it?" Kyle Aston, Robert's best friend, asked, whistling at the fancy furniture in his office.

"Hey, I thought you weren't coming back in town till Friday?" Robert said pulling his friend in for a hug.

"I couldn't deal with that girl, Carly, or whatever her name was, so I got on a plane back here." He shrugged, obviously he was talking about his latest conquest. Kyle was known to be a playboy.

"Ah, I see you're still breaking young girl's hearts. Some things never change." They both laughed and talked about work for a while.

"So, you in for a couple beers tonight?" Kyle asked standing up, walking towards the door.

"Sure man, let me know when and where and I'll meet you there." Robert stood and walked his friend out to the reception.

"There's a place not far from here, called Martin's. I'll meet you there at seven." He said walking out the door, winking at the receptionist on the way.

"How many appointments do I have left today Jane?" He asked, pulling out his phone and checking the time, it was just past one.

"You only have two, Mr Daniels and Miss Humphrey." She said smiling at him. He smiled back in thanks, then walked back into his office.

The rest of the day passed quickly, Robert had finished work at four and was on his way home. He took out his keys and walked into his apartment block.

"Excuse me? Could you give me a hand, sir?" A small woman with red hair asked, she must've only been around 5ft 2, with bright blue eyes and a slender but curvy body. She had nothing on Diana though, he thought.

"Sure, what is it Miss?" He asked politely.

"My cat's gone missing, I know you're not supposed to have pets in the building but the landlord doesn't mind as long as it doesn't make much noise. She got out this morning on my way to work and I haven't seen her since. I was just wondering if you could keep an eye out for me. I live in apartment 12B if you find her."

"No worries, if I see her I'll get her back to you safe and sound." He said walking towards the elevator.

"Thank you." She shouted then walked out the building, probably to look for the cat.

Robert decided to take a quick nap before going out tonight, he knew what Kyle was like. No doubt he will pick another lady up or maybe even ladies, since he'd done that a few times before. Honestly, the guy had no shame.

At around quarter to seven Robert was ready and on his way to Martin's. He found it easily enough, parked the car up and entered the bar. He took a seat on a barstool and waited for Kyle to arrive.

"What will it be, love?" An attractive woman asked, she had dark hair, green eyes and olive skin.

"I'll have a whisky please." He said and turned his attention to the tv, seeing a football game being played. Robert wasn't really a fan of football, in high school he was mostly in the science lab or reading in the library.

"Here you go, I'm Stacey, by the way." The barmaid was trying to flirt with him, he wasn't really interested though.

"Thanks, I'm Robert." He said, he took a sip of his drink and went back to watching tv, hoping she'd take the hint.

"Yo man, you're here early." Kyle said, taking a seat next to him, ordering the same drink.

"Yeah, guess I was pretty bored at home." He said, finishing his drink off.

"Well my night just got better, look at those broads that just walked through the door." Kyle said pointing to the other side of the room.

Robert turned around to get a better view of the girls. He was right, they were hot. One of them was also his patient. Diana Middleton.


I'd like to thank my sister Hannah for helping with the grammar, go check her stories out - Draconis-Silver

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