Chapter 14

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Roberts heart was racing as he ran out of Diana's and into his car. He didn't believe what was happening, none of it felt real. When he received a call a few months ago regarding a twin brother who he'd been separated from at birth, he didn't think it could even be possible.

He answered the phone as he entered the car. "Darren." Robert's voice was low with a hint of anger.

"Finally, I've been trying to get a hold of you all week. That's not how you should treat your family Rob, especially your brother." Robert wasn't in the mood for Darrens little games.

"As far as I'm concerned you're not my family. What do you want?" Darren wasn't exactly what Robert had hoped for when he learnt of his long lost brother. In fact it was the complete opposite.

"I want my money Robby, I've been very patient with you but you're not cooperating. Do I have to do this the hard way? We wouldn't want that sweet little girlfriend of yours getting hurt now would we?" Robert smashed his hands onto the steering wheel, frustration and anger poured out of him in waves.

"You don't fucking touch her! You'll get your money, give me a time and place." He could practically feel Darrens smile through the phone.

"That's more like it, nothing like a bit of motivation to push you in the right direction. I'll text you the time and place, and don't think about doing anything stupid." The phone cut off and Robert let out a loud roar from his chest.

After calming his breathing, he started the car and drove into arrived at his house where he waited to receive the message from Darren.


Darrens POV

Smiling to himself after a successful phone call with his brother Robert everything seems to be going the way he planned. He couldn't believe how easy it was to find him, Robert had been in a newspaper article showcasing him being the youngest doctor to have bought into a private practice and was well on his way to becoming on award-winning GP.

Darren feeling as though he had been cheated out of a life that he could've had if the family that Chose Robert had chosen him instead, Wanted to take everything that Robert had.

Robert had been taken into a wealthy family that showed him nothing but love and support, Whereas Darren had jumped from foster home to foster home, some of which were abusive.

If he had the same upbringing and opportunities that were given to Robert he wouldn't be in this situation, however desperate times call for desperate measures and Darren just wants what's rightfully owed to him.

Little does Robert know what's in store for him.

Meet at barrow ridge, 8pm. On your own or you know what happens.

After sending the message he took out a gun from his bag and placed it on the dresser next to him, opening a bottle of whiskey and pouring himself a glass he downed it in one slamming the glass back down onto the table.

As he poured himself another drink his phone buzzed.

I'll be there. Alone.

"Good boy" he whispered to himself as a sinister smile spread across his face.


Sorry guys, it really shouldn't have taken me this long to update and I bet you all hate me for making you wait 😩

Sorry this chapter really isn't long but for the next chapter this is all I can really put into it 😬

What you guys think the phone call was going to be about?

Thank you again for reading and being so patient with this story, please don't forget to vote and let me know what you thought of this chapter 💕

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