Chapter 15

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Robert felt tense as he drove to his destination, he had the money in a bag next to him in the passenger seat ready for this to all be over.

He had a horrible feeling about this but then again who wouldn't under the circumstances, Whose twin brother threatens to destroy your life and hurt the woman you love in return for $1 million. None of this felt real to Robert he just still couldn't believe what was happening, he couldn't forgive himself if anything happened to Diana.

Pulling up to Barrow Ridge, he took a deep breath. It was dark and secluded here perfect conditions for something bad to happen, there was a car parked on the far left side with a dark figure inside.

Grabbing the bag from next to him he jumped out the car and Shakily started walking towards the figure, As he came into clear view Robert was taken back, it was as if he was looking into a mirror.

That it was almost as if he'd been cloned, the only difference between them being that Darrens hair was slightly longer and dishevelled as opposed to Roberts neat slicked back style. He also had a thick layer of stubble covering his cheeks and jaw making him look rough.

"I knew we were identical but this is just weird, but anyway it's nice to meet you bro." Darren was smirking, a hand behind his back as though he was hiding something.

"I'd say it's nice to meet you but as I found out you existed as you've done is threaten me and the people that I love all for some money." Rob threw the bag to the ground near his feet, causing dust to scatter around them and the bag.

"Aww and here I thought we could catch up, well anyway let's cut to the chase I didn't just bring you here for the money and I think you know that." At this point Darrens pulled a gun from behind him and pointing it at Robert.

Startled Robert flinches and holds his hands up towards his chest, his heart rate increasing tenfold. He should've known there was something far worse at hand.

"Don't be stupid, you think if you kill me you'll get away with it?" Robert panics, why did he agree to meet in the middle of nowhere, at night and not tell anyone where he was going.

"Oh no no no, I'm not going to kill you Robby. I'm going to steal your life, You see I went to medical school as well only I was unfairly kicked out and had my chance to become a doctor taken away from me. They said taking drugs on the job was unethical and going against what it means to be a doctor. They were all just stuck up prick is if you ask me." He walked towards Robert, gun still pointing at him he was getting visibly angry as he spoke.

"So just my luck when I see my twin brother, Identical at that, has become a doctor himself and even has his own practice. Thats where my little plan to steal your life came, I've been watching you for weeks, your habits, your routine and my oh my that sweet little girlfriend of yours sure is something to look at."

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch her." Robert snarled at Darren, causing Darren to laugh at him seeing how worked up he was getting. He had him right where he wanted him.

Coming close and pointing the gun straight at his head, Darren pushed the barrel into his temple causing him to wince.

"I'll do what I like, and I'm sure she'll like what I do to her. I can't wait to get my hands on her delicious body. Now as for you I'm done talking." With that Robert felt a painful thud and everything turned to darkness.


Diana's POV -

Diana had been worrying ever since she woke, after Robert ran out like a bat out of hell she had no idea what to think. What could that phone call have been about to make him turn so pale and look so panicked.

Looking at the clock it read 11pm, realising he probably wasn't going to get in touch tonight she decided to get ready for bed. Maybe he'd phone her tomorrow and explain, she just hoped it wasn't anything to do with her.

She hadn't felt like this before, she hadn't known him long enough to be in love with him but she felt herself falling for him so hard and fast. The sex wasn't just a fuck, it was passionate and intimate. No one had ever made her orgasm so intense, he knew just what she wanted and needed without having to say a word.

Remembering the events from earlier she felt a familiar tingle deep between her legs, going to her bedside draw she pulled out a sleek chrome bullet. Lying down on the bed she pulled her thong down, spreading her legs and turning the little device on feeling it's powerful vibration she placed it onto her clit.

Relishing in the waves of ecstasy she moaned, feeling the buzzing against her most sensitive spot. Thinking about Roberts thick shaft entering her, thrusting deep making her entire body shiver in pleasure. She turned up the power, feeling the toy's buzzing intensify she let out a loud moan. Her orgasm nearing, hips gently thrusting in anticipation she placed two fingers inside her tight channel finger drenched in her juices. Within seconds her legs started shaking as she felt her sweet release, her back and forehead lightly dripping with sweat.

She smiled looking up at the ceiling, cleaning up her toy she placed it back into the draw and wiped herself up. Grabbing some Pjs she tucked herself into bed, closing her eyes smiling, hoping Roberts night was as good as her was.


So I couldn't resist and had to upload the next chapter ASAP, I am far too excited for you guys to read it.

Let me know what you guys think, any and all feedback is appreciated!

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote ☺️💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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